In Our Blooming Youth, two incidents entwined the characters to be portrayed by Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
Earlier, the lead stars of Decoy introduced their roles and conveyed their insights into their latest project. Decoy is billed as a crime thriller drama that traces a rare criminal who is known to have committed a fraud of 5 trillion won. He died while on the run and was...
Universal Records recently announced a very exciting new mini-series called Pag-ibig Na Kaya in support of the much-anticipated release of Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz’s remake of the known mid-2000s love song. While the JulieVer couple is set to top-bill this project, they will also be joined by two Korean talents, one is...
Onto his last gamble in life after being entangled in a murder case, casino legend Cha Moo-sik continues his story on Big Bet Season 2. Disney+ announces that Big Bet Season 2 is scheduled to be released on February 15. Completing its story from the first season, the second season...
A poignant acting transformation will be delivered by Kim Young Kwang in Call it Love. Revenge-romance series Call It Love tells the story of a man and a woman who shouldn’t have met. Woo-ju, a woman who bravely jumps into revenge that is unbecoming of her; and Dong-jin, a man...
In the opening week of Strangers Again, a curious question about relationship fallout was raised. That is, what could be the reason why someone would choose the “other” person if the cause of the breakup is a third party? JTBC’s new midweek series offers an interesting look at the dynamics...
Locked in a curious and heart-fluttering gaze; Kim Jung Hyun carries Im Soo Hyang in the latest teasers of Kokdu: Season of Deity. Kokdu: Season of Deity chronicles the story of Kokdu (Kim Jung Hyun), the “god of death” who comes down to the earth every 99 years to punish humans....
Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee are seen in conflicting interactions in the recent stills of Our Blooming Youth. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
A beaming Kim Seon Ho happily conversed with the Philippine press before his scheduled Manila “One, Two, Three. SMILE” fan meeting. Donning his signature dimpled smile, a collective sigh of admiration from the media crowd was drawn. His smile and charisma when combined literally shine like a happy moment even...
Proving how love doesn’t come only when you are ready for it, The Forbidden Marriage carved a charismatic love tale that amuses. Finding the right blending of romance in a Joseon-based romance series, The Forbidden Marriage engagingly concludes its run with happy endings and well-deserved punishment for the villains. Main...