Aiming to explore the struggle of the royal court on the education system of troublemaking Joseon princes, this new period series surely raises anticipation. The main cast of 슈룹 Umbrella (LT) is officially sealed. Headlined by Kim Hye Soo, Kim Hae Sook and Choi Won Young, the series targets October...
TVING’s original series Yonder is the first human melodrama to be delivered by acclaimed director Lee Jun-ik. His film portfolio includes box-office hits and renowned films such as Sunny, Hope, The Throne and The Book of Fish. Headlining the series is a peerless lineup with Shin Ha Kyun, Han Ji...
Set to premiere on September 12, tvN’s new sports drama, Mental Coach Jegal has been unfurling details about the series. Starring Jung Woo, Kwon Yul, Lee Yoo Mi and Park Se Young; the drama is set to focus on the mental health of athletes. Meet The Cast of Mental Coach...
Involved in Professor Seo’s murder case, Mayor Choi holds onto the original file of the professor’s paper in Big Mouth. Chang-ho foretells the trial’s turnout in his live broadcast and exposes the existence of Professor Seo’s paper. Coming back to prison after exposing details of Professor Seo’s murder, Chang-ho sets...
It’s going to be a parade of talented and bankable actors in September 2022 Korean dramas! While mostly character-driven narratives abound in the roster next month; the new K-Dramas would reach a wide range of audiences. From thrillers to romcoms and to novelty stories; the talented actors making their drama...
Currently impressing viewers with his portrayal in Alchemy of Souls, Yoo Jun Sang provided depth to the storyline as one of the senior actors. In case you miss him after the series’ conclusion, get to know him more with his popular works. The Uncanny Counter The hit OCN original series...
Presenting what comes after desperate decisions, A Model Family examines humans’ motivation for evil. In a world where money is a necessity, morality, familial ties, and loyalty are readily disposable. Depicting a situation where one prioritizes family despite involvement in evil, A Model Family offers a slow-burn story of a...
Adamas returns as Haesong’s 80th anniversary takes place in the mansion. Now, lives are bound to lose, and only those who survive will win. With Haesong’s 80th-anniversary celebration soon approaching, writer Ha Woo-shin gets ready for his mission to steal the Adamas. Meanwhile, prosecutor Song Su-hyun luckily survives the bomb...
JTBC’s new drama is set to feature an elite family with a quenchless desire for wealth and entitlement. Tapped as the main cast of The Empire are accomplished actors Kim Sun Ah, Ahn Jae Wook, Lee Mi Sook, Song Young Chang, Goo Shin and Oh Hyun Kyung. To be helmed...
MBC’s Golden Spoon teases anticipating viewers about the love pairing to manifest in the story. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter, his fate changed with a...