Making viewers familiar with the actors rounding up the park rangers in Jirisan, iQiyi presents the skilled and seasoned roster of actors joining Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon. Gearing...
TVING’s upcoming original series Work Later, Drink Now unveiled character posters featuring its main cast! Scheduled to premiere on October 22, Work Later, Drink Now depicts the story of three women...
Odd-looking faces of Happiness lead stars signal the cryptic mood and looming danger surrounding the apocalypse-themed series! Happiness depicts the lives of people isolated in high-rise apartments where a miniature...
Confirming the cause of her father’s madness, Hong Cheon Gi contemplates withdrawing from painting the King’s portrait. After hearing a direct order from the King about the restoration of King...
Ok Taecyeon and Kim Hye Yoon are set for a nationwide investigation that will shake Joseon! Together with its lead pair, the ensemble cast was officially introduced in the revealed...
Who else wants to volunteer in helping Cha Seung Won win the case of Kim Soo Hyun in the series One Ordinary Day? Coupang Play’s first series, One Ordinary Day...
Scholar Ha gives a ring to Cheon Gi as a sign of love before he undergoes an inspection in the latest episode of Lovers of the Red Sky. With the...
In the newly revealed Jirisan character posters, Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon understand the urgency and commitment to their dangerous jobs. Gianna Jun receives a distress signal, Ju Ji-Hoon...
As a masked man in Squid Game, Wi Ha Joon conveyed his appreciation for the success of the series. Netflix original series, Squid Game, chronicles participants in a cryptic survival...
The recently unveiled video teaser for The King’s Affection proves that the chemistry between the two actors is the story’s key point. Upcoming historical and rom-com drama, The King’s Affection heightens expectations with another...