Numbers is expected to fascinate viewers with a perfect ensemble of fresh genre concepts, and actors’ passionate performances. Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant;...
Memorable veteran-newbie cooperation draws attention to the lead actors of Numbers! Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant; Numbers explores the world of accounting firms...
Introducing its female lead, Numbers acquaints viewers with the role to be portrayed by Yeonwoo. Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant; Numbers explores the...
Hyping up the anticipating viewers, Numbers presents its main characters in tantalizing teasers! Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant; Numbers explores the world of...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday series continues to engross viewers with its display of splendid and regal teasers. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter, his fate changed with...
Romantic comedy series Dali and the Cocky Prince held its’ drama presentation with star actors Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young, Kwon Yul, Hwang Hee, and Yeon-woo. Directed by Lee Jung Sub and written by Son Eun Hye Dali and the Cocky Prince is an art romance that the audience can enjoy because...
Actors Kim Min Jae, Park Kyu Young, Kwon Yul, Hwang Hee, Yeonwoo, and Hwang Bora, pose as famous painting subjects for Dali and Cocky Prince latest teasers. Premiering this September 22, KBS2’s Dali And The Cocky Prince excites fans with its recreation of iconic portrait paintings. Each character is also introduced with their...
Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young and Kwon Yul showcase their perfect synergy in the first table read of the upcoming KBS drama Dali and Cocky Prince! Slated for September premiere, the romantic-comedy series follows the romance between the daughter of a prestigious family who wants to save a ruined...