Confirming the lead cast, director Park Hoon Jung reunites with actors he worked with in his recent films. Tyrant follows the story of people chasing each other after the last sample of the “tyrant’s program” disappears due to a delivery accident. Steering the movie project is director Park Hoon Jung...
With over two weeks more, One Ordinary Day will be making its grand launch! Scheduled for an 8-episode run, the hardcore crime drama threads on the story of ordinary college student Kim Hyun-soo who, after one drunken night of fun, finds himself the prime suspect in the gruesome murder of...
Coupang Play has released its newest video teaser for upcoming drama One Ordinary Day. One Ordinary Day will feature one of South Korea’s biggest stars, Kim Soo Hyun, in the role of Kim Hyun Soo. Hyun Soo is an ordinary university student whose life will never be the same after...
Continuing its roll-out of enticing teasers, One Ordinary Day reveals new images of its male leads. Scheduled for an 8-episode run, the hardcore crime drama threads on the story of ordinary college student Kim Hyun-soo who, after one drunken night of fun, finds himself the prime suspect in the gruesome...
Cha Seung Won appears scruffy as a third-rate lawyer specializing in defending powerless criminals in One Ordinary Day. Coupang Play’s first series, One Ordinary Day is expected to release in November. Scheduled for an 8-episode run, the hardcore crime drama threads on the story of ordinary college student Kim Hyun-soo...
The eight-episode drama One Ordinary Day held its script-reading, together with actors Kim Soo Hyun, Cha Seung Won, Lee Seol, and Kim Sung Kyu. Directed by Lee Myung Yoo and written by Kwon Soon Gyu, the mystery law drama One Ordinary Day delves into the criminal justice system involving two men who investigate a...
The second poster of Sinkhole was released, showing the desperate looks of the lead characters fighting for their lives. Directed by Kim Ji Hoon, the film narrates the events that happened to the residents when a newly built villa fell to a 500 meters underground sinkhole. Having different occupations and lives,...
Breaking his small screen hiatus, Cha Seung Won is confirmed to join Kim Soo Hyun in a new project! The two top-tier actors are decked for the Korean remake of BBC series, Criminal Justice. Aiming to incorporate the K-Drama sentiment, the series begins filming in the first half of 2021...