Lee Se Young, Bae In Hyuk, Joo Hyun Young and Yoo Seon Ho are featured in the latest teaser of MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday series. \The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama unveils character posters featuring the Confucian girl and the 3rd-generation ironclad 21st-century chaebol. \The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from the Joseon period who travels to modern...
Bae In Hyuk is a tough-minded man who prioritizes logic over emotions and presents a fateful romance in The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract! The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from...
A 19th-century Joseon Confucian girl and a 21st-century ironclad third-generation chaebol draw fantasy and romance in The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from the Joseon...
The female lead of MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama commands attention with her radiant beauty and confidence. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from the Joseon period who travels to modern times....
MBC’s new delightful historical series reveals captured moments from the recent table read. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract chronicles how 19th-century Confucian girl Park Yeon-woo overcomes death and arrives in Korea in 2023. She meets an apathetic man who looks exactly like her husband who died on their wedding’s first...
If you love ramyun, then hit your K-Show couch as Ramyun Brothers just debuted in Korea & SE Asia on Warner Brothers Discovery and Viu! Ramyun Brothers is a reality show that will forever change what you know about ramen! The show stars Kang Ho Dong, Lee Seung Gi and...
A quirky Joseon-set series arrives on MBC in the second half of the year starring Lee Se Young and Bae In Hyuk. 열녀박씨 계약결혼뎐 The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (LT) chronicles how 19th-century Confucian girl Park Yeon-woo who overcomes death and arrives in Korea in 2023. She meets an...
Working on three dramas at the same time, Bae In Hyuk proved how much love and passion he poured out for his craft. Recently concluding the series with a high-spirited note, Cheer Up left a motivating message to the youth. Led by Bae In Hyuk, who plays Theia’s cheerleading captain,...
Highlighting the struggles of youth today, Cheer Up leaves a colorful and spirited narrative that drives motivation and hope. Presenting a musical and romantic series, Cheer Up made a refreshing take on youth dramas. It features the culture of Korea on cheering squads while adding a dark tone with a genre of...