Astounding viewers with his new role in the drama Island, Cha Eun Woo plays a unique character as an exorcist. Slated for a December premiere, Island traverses the journey of the characters who are destined to fight against the “evil” that is trying to destroy the world. The series is...
Acquainting viewers with more details about Island, it’s hard not to be fascinated with the compelling visuals of the lead cast. Slated for a December premiere, Island traverses the journey of characters destined to fight against the “evil” that is trying to destroy the world. The series is based on...
TVING’s original series Island, bannered by Kim Nam Gil, Lee Da Hee and Cha Eun Woo, drops a compelling teaser poster and trailer. Based on a webtoon of the same name by Yoon In-wan and Yang Kyung-il, Island is a fantasy action drama that depicts the journey of characters destined...
Kim Rae Won and Lee Jong Suk look peerless in the striking main poster released for Decibel. Together with Jung Sang Hoon and Park Byung Eun, the image previews the urgency to unfold in the movie. Decibel threads on a terrorist attack initiated by a bomb designer who wants to...
Hyping interest in the star-studded thriller action film, Decibel unveils glimpses of the lead characters! Decibel threads on a terrorist attack initiated by a bomb designer who wants to occupy the city center with a special bomb that explodes through noise sensitivity. His target is a former deputy commander of...
Along with the announcement of the partner global streaming platform for Island, character sketches were also unveiled. Starring Kim Nam Gil, Lee Da Hee, Cha Eun Woo and Sung Joon; Island will be the newest K-Content to be available on Amazon Prime Video. Slated to premiere in December 2022, the...
Confirming his appearance, Cha Eun Woo is set to appear as the male lead in a new series aiming 2023 airdate. Based on the popular webtoon of the same name, 오늘도 사랑스럽개 Today is Lovely Dog (LT), Cha Eun Woo has affirmed his appearance as the drama’s male lead Jin...
A magical night full of aegyos, promises, music, and waves of laughter – it was indeed a memorable starry caravan date with Cha Eun Woo! After entertaining the questions of his PH Fans and PH media during the Starry Caravan Press conference, Cha Eun Woo graced the Filipino Arohas with his angelic...
Clad in a dark suit, Cha Eun Woo dazzles at the recent media conference held in the Philippines. Ahead of his fan meeting, the star of True Beauty totally commanded attention as he receives applause from Philippine press people and invited selected fans. Greeting his fans beamingly, Cha Eun Woo...
Reuniting with his Thai fans, Cha Eun Woo gifted beautiful memories at his recent fan meeting. The actor is currently on an Asian tour and completes the second leg on July 30 with 2022 Just One 10 Minute Starry Caravan in Bangkok. Cha Eun Woo, who visited Thailand after Indonesia,...