Soon to deliver a heart-stopping experience, Adamas teases the viewers with new posters introducing the series’ main and supporting characters Adamas follows the story of the twin brothers, writer Ha Woo-shin and prosecutor Song Soo-hyun (Ji Sung), who joined forces to uncover a mystery from the accident 22 years ago. As...
Ji Sung, Seo Ji Hye, Lee Soo Kyung, Heo Sung Tae, and Oh Dae Hwan star in the new tvN series, Adamas! tvN’s new mystery and thriller drama Adamas has finally completed its dream cast. Director Park Seung Woo (Kairos, The Guardians) helms the series. In addition, Writer Choi Tae Kang...
Casino, a Disney+ original series, heightens the expectations for its superb casting! Choi Min-Sik, Son Suk Ku, Lee Dong Hwi, and Heo Sung Tae are confirmed as the lead cast of the series. Casino is an intense story about a man who became the king of the casino. However, after...
Mounting its premiere today, Insider also held a drama presentation featuring the lead cast and director. Insider chronicles the story of a senior judicial trainee whose fate has changed due to an undercover investigation. He infiltrates the gambling world to catch the weaknesses of the corrupt prosecutors. However, he gets...
Heo Sung Tae preps up for another legendary villain role in JTBC drama Insider! Scheduled to launch on June 8, Insider gives a preview of the character of Yoon Byung-wook, played by Heo Sung Tae. Insider is an action-suspense drama narrating the story of Kim Yo Han (Kang Ha Neul)....
Lee Joon, Kang Han Na, Jang Hyuk, Park Ji Yeon, Heo Sung Tae, Ha Do Kwon, and Choi Ri share their experiences of filming KBS2’s Bloody Heart. Another upcoming historical drama, Bloody Heart, is slated to premiere on May 2. Director Yoo Young Eun (Queen Of Mystery, Manhole) and Writer Park Pil...
Squid Game‘s Lee Jung Jae received love and support from fans after gaining 1.5 million followers on Instagram in just two days. Netflix’s Squid Game heightens continuous interest. It is the first Netflix show to become the number one watch in 83 countries at the same time. Furthermore, the actors that portrayed...
Suffused with riveting thrill and reality-biting moments, Squid Game splendidly strikes an engrossing story full of heart. A man’s nature, when faced with nagging problems, extends to several viable options. However, when trapped with no other choices, he settles for the easiest route possible. Squid Game captures this very essence...
A story conceived over a decade ago, the highly-anticipated Netflix series Squid Game officially begins on September 17. Ahead of the global launch, the cast and director conveyed stories about Squid Game at the press conference hosted by Netflix. Director Hwang Dong Hyuk together with lead stars Lee Jung Jae,...
As the game nears, actors Lee Jung Jae and Park Hae Soo talked about their experiences and character formulation for Netflix’s Squid Game. Dropping on September 17, Squid Game heightens expectations and excitement with its unique plot. Lauded actors collaborate with Director Hwang Dong Hyeok’s craft to produce a top-notched...