Hometown certainly serves up riveting scenes with a nerve-wracking narrative that propels viewers on the edge of their seats! tvN’s Hometown provided a series of inexplicable killings with a peculiar serial killer who uses a mixtape to induce hallucination and hypnosis on his victims. This series undoubtedly handed over a...
The 2021 K-Drama season is wrapping up, and we have all of you covered on what you should not miss! Over the next few days leading to our year-end roundup of must-watch Korean dramas this season, we will be looking back on the significant feats, evident craze and notable actors...
Han Ye Ri passionately makes a comeback with a tenacious character in Hometown. Hometown (directed by Hyun Seok Park and written by Joo Jin) is a 1999 mystery thriller drama about detective Choi Hyung In as he investigates a series of murders. Detective Choi (Yoo Jae Myung) then confronts the...
Thrilling dramas decorated with sentiments, comedy and slice of life are the flavors to be savored in September 2021 Korean Dramas! We got a jampacked schedule for September 2021 Korean dramas as eagerly-anticipated new titles will be launching. Lauded and hitmaker actors also vie to capture K-Drama fans’ hearts with...
The versatile actor takes on a complicated character in the upcoming tvN series. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo) turns himself after...
Fresh from the success of the film Minari, the actress slates her small-screen comeback in tvN series Hometown. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm...
Yoo Jae Myung transforms into a fierce and passionate detective for the upcoming mystery-thriller series, Hometown. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo)...
Yoo Jae Myung, Han Ye Ri and Uhm Tae Goo are making their drama comeback through tvN’s Hometown! Written by Joo Jin and directed by Park Hyun Seok (Stranger 2), the series will be broadcast for the first time in September. Hometown is a mystery thriller depicting a detective chasing...
Living up to its reputation of “home of thrilling series” – OCN has confirmed four riveting dramas scheduled to air this year. Following the success of The Uncanny Counter, the channel aims for more gratifying Korean drama experience for its viewers. Check out the forthcoming series this season on OCN....
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2021 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...