At the Busan International Film Festival, Netflix revealed its 2025 Korean film lineup during the “Next on Netflix: 2025 Korean Films”. Reflecting on its involvement with Korean cinema, Netflix offered an exclusive look at seven upcoming films set for release next year. Vincent Taewon Kim, Netflix Korea’s Director of Content...
As new mysteries unfold and cryptic clues abound, Revenant steers the story’s trajectory far from the predictable. In their quest to uncover the origins of the cursed hair accessory, San Yeong and Hae Sang face the challenge of finding the old village of Jangjin-ri amid a rapidly modernizing landscape. Kimley...
With its unapologetic use of graphic imagery, Revenant conjures an unsettling occult-themed storyline that is not for the faint of heart. Revenant‘s opening salvo masterfully blends various elements, such as an intriguing plot, evocative imagery, a cinematic atmosphere, and outstanding acting performances. Despite the complex nature of the first two...
The main poster unveiled by Revenant puts the main character possessed by a demon that digs into human desire, at the forefront. A Korean occult mystery thriller, Revenant tells the story of Gu San-yeong, a woman born into poverty whose life goes from bad to worse when her father dies...
From acclaimed writer, Kim Eun Hee, comes a supernatural story of demons and death starring Kim Tae Ri and Oh Jung Se. After much anticipation, famed Korean storyteller Kim Eun Hee is set to return to the screen with Revenant, a breathtaking series about demons, death and the dangers of...
Billed as a Korean-style occult mystery drama, Revenant readies to mark its premiere in June. With its strong creative team and reliable actors onboard, the series expects a keen following from K-Drama viewers. The series is penned by Kim Eun Hee whose portfolio boasts acclaimed and fan-favorite dramas including Sign,...
First released at the 2022 SBS Drama Awards, a peek at writer Kim Eun Hee’s highly-anticipated series, The Devil, draws effortless intrigue. The Devil traverses the story of a woman possessed by evil spirits and a man who can see demons. It is a cryptic thriller that would delve into...
If you’re into high school thriller series, Weak Hero should definitely be on your list! Binge-watching all the episodes in one go, the viewers went on a series of emotions. Weak Hero is an eye-opener for people to stand up for what is right – not only for other people...
Finding comfort amidst the chaos, Weak Hero showed how things can shift in a blink of an eye. After all the devastating happenings, the trio proved that they can conquer it all together. Weak Hero showcases how one’s presence can influence you to become the strongest version of yourself. The...
Switching to the other side, The Weak Heroes went through endless chaotic events. In the next episodes, Si Eun (Park Ji Hoon), Suho (Choi Hyun Wook), and Beom Seok (Hong Kyung)’s friendship grow fonder as time goes by. They became each other’s strengths and weaknesses at the same time. However,...