The singer-actor is ready to dive into the intense and chaotic world of high school struggles in the highly anticipated TVING original series Study Group. On December 12, the production team unveiled a striking “Clear-eyed Madman” poster alongside a teaser video, sparking excitement and curiosity about the unique storyline and...
Hwang Min Hyun successfully held his first solo mini-concert, “UNVEIL” last weekend, October 8, at New Frontier Theater. Presented by Pulp Live World, the show was filled with unforgettable performances for PH Hwangdos. Before becoming one of the popular actors in his generation, Hwang Min Hyun was a former member...
Looking regal and ready to meet his adoring fans, Hwang Min Hyun had a quick but meaningful encounter with lucky fans and local media representatives for the press conference of his fan meeting. Delightfully answering media questions, he definitely ruled the event with his charms and amusing answers. Setting the...
A world where you can detect lies made the female lead of My Lovely Liar untrusting of the world. But her strange ability later helped a person dear to her free himself from the shackles of his past. Main Leads: Kim So Hyun | Hwang Min Hyun Addictive Meter: Overall...
Finally liberating himself from a bad stigma from his past, Do-ha came to terms with his withheld emotions in the penultimate week of My Lovely Liar! Unfortunately, he also had to deal with a disheartening truth about the real murderer of his ex-girlfriend. abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu...
Study Group aims for comical youth drama by revealing the main cast, including Hwang Min Hyun, Han Ji Eun, Cha Woo Min, and study group members Lee Jong Hyun, Shin Soo Hyun, Yoon Sang Jung, and Gong Do Yu. Directed by Lee Jang-hoon, written by Eom Seon-ho, Study Group is...
Do-ha’s past murder suspect issue resurfaces and to settle the problem once and for all, he decides to find the real culprit in the latest episodes of My Lovely Liar! Thankfully, Sol-hee who sees through his genuine intention supports him in his goal. abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu...
Finding mutual solace, Sol-hee and Do-ha begin a relationship in the 5th week of My Lovely Liar. Do-ha also confronts Eom-ho about the blame he keeps pinning on him after mustering the courage from Sol-hee’s motivation abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03...
Secrets behind lies are featured in another prepossessing week of My Lovely Liar. While romance is on the horizon, painful parts of Sol-hee’s and Do-ha’s lives add interesting layers to the narrative. abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05...
Do-ha warms up to Sol-hee and takes a stand to protect himself on his own in the 3rd week of My Lovely Liar. Problems are also brewing as the full picture of Do-ha’s past is also on the horizon. abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu Episode Recaps: 01 &...