Odd-looking faces of Happiness lead stars signal the cryptic mood and looming danger surrounding the apocalypse-themed series! Happiness depicts the lives of people isolated in high-rise apartments where a miniature version of hierarchal society occurs. The fierce class discrimination and psychological warfare for survival emerge as an infectious disease hits...
Featuring advancements in technology, Seobok contemplates on the greed of humans for immortality. With the recent terrorist attacks on Dr. Anderson, one of the lead researchers in project Seobok, the specimen of Seoin group’s experiment needs to be secured and transferred. Min Ki-hun (Gong Yoo), who used to work for...
Korean thriller film starring Jo Woo Jin, Lee Jae In and Ji Chang Wook called Hard Hit continues to bag amazing feats at the Korean box office, proving its immense popularity among moviegoers! Jo Woo Jin, Lee Jae In and Ji Chang Wook’s new movie Hard Hit maintains its No. 1 position at the...
Cameras are ready to roll for tvN’s highly-anticipated series, Happiness! tvN’s upcoming offering has confirmed the appearances of Han Hyo Joo, Park Hyung Sik, and Jo Woo Jin. Taking an apocalyptic tone, Happiness depicts the lives of people isolated in high-rise apartments where a miniature version of hierarchal society occurs....