Reeling in viewers, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse presses on its parade of engaging teasers. Following through the recent poster featuring Shin Ye Eun, she is again captured in a group poster with her fellow lead stars. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse tells the story of a boarding house owner and three...
Shin Ye Eun seems to be in a secret romance in the latest update of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With A Suitcase, Gapdong, Royal Family)...
Ahead of its March premiere, the SBS Monday-Tuesday series, Romantic Guesthouse held its first script reading attended by the cast and crew. Romantic Guesthouse tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With A Suitcase, Gapdong, Royal...
SBS upcoming Monday-Tuesday series, Romantic Guesthouse, has named eight actors expected to bring out the depth and beauty of the youth historical drama to the fullest. Romantic Guesthouse tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With...
SBS confirmed March 2023 as the launch date of its upcoming sageuk fusion series! Romantic Guesthouse tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With A Suitcase, Gapdong, Royal Family) and Kim Ja Hyun (Bukchon Banseonbi’s Path...
Backed up by stellar showrunners, the new SBS drama mounts a promising story. Titled 꽃선비 열애사 Romantic Guesthouse (WT), the series tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With A Suitcase, Gapdong, Royal Family) and Kim...
Jang Ha Ri and Han Yi Sang got their miracle, but not without shedding a few tears and facing some obstacles. Oh My Baby is such a treat with its depiction of the complexities and beauty of adult life. Though the journey to Jang Ha Ri and Han Yi Sang’s...
Ja-sung tries to earn back his lost love and the broken heart of Young-won in Monthly Magazine Home episodes 13 and 14. Even if Young-won and Ja-sung broke up, they still love each other and can’t seem to forget each other. Ja-sung realizes that he wants to fight for his...
Decorating the mid-week schedule of K-Dramaland with ample life and love lessons, Monthly Magazine Home is a story dedicated to career people. Specifically, it sheds light on the different meanings of “having a home”. Fate brings polar opposites together and a bunch of charismatic characters in iQiyi’s latest wacky yet...
We got a pride and prejudice moment in Monthly Magazine Home Episode 4! Young-won and Ja-sung had a big misunderstanding leading to a pause in the blooming romance we thought would be developing. She tried to apologize but he didn’t accept it. Was it because he’s in denial of his...