Netflix has officially announced the production of Season 2 of its hit series Bloodhounds and unveiled the cast lineup, promising even more intense action and gripping drama. The second season continues the story of Gun-woo and Woo-jin, two determined young boxers who previously took down a ruthless gang of illegal...
International murders, conspiracies, and romance to keep audiences on an enthralling ride in Red Swan, a New Korean Drama Premiering July 3 on Disney+! After enduring years of her husband’s infidelity, a Goodwill Ambassador finds herself drawn to her enigmatic bodyguard in Red Swan, a gripping new Korean drama debuting...
Romantic revenge drama Red Swan secures Disney+ premiere! Featuring a unique but dangerous story within the Korean high society, this upcoming drama stars Kim Ha Neul, Jung Ji Hoon and Jung Gyu Woon. Former professional golfer and current Goodwill Ambassador Oh Wan-soo has long been aware of her husband’s infidelity,...
Actor Jung Ji Hoon is back on the big screen with another crime movie Gentleman! 젠틀맨 Gentleman (literal translation) is a crime fiction directed by Kim Kyung Won, starring Jung Ji Hoon. He will portray the character of Ji Hyun Soo, an owner of a private detective agency with a...
Encapsulating a beautifully conceived story, Ghost Doctor wraps its final chapter with a fulfilling and justifiable life realization. With a medical-fantasy crossover, Ghost Doctor will definitely be added to everyone’s watch list for its uplifting narrative and strong-willed character portrayals. Main Cast: Jung Ji Hoon | Kim Bum | Uee...
Ko Seung Tak overcame fear and did not run away from a dying patient in the latest episode of Ghost Doctor. With Professor Cha’s guidance, Seung Tak’s dedication to becoming a doctor continues as he practices diligently in order to save as many people as possible without Young Min possessing...
In the recent episode of Ghost Doctor, Ko Seung Tak went AWOL after personally witnessing his patient die in the operating room. Some of the doctors and professors at Eunsang University Medical Center blame Seung Tak for allowing a patient to die, while others laud him for doing everything possible...
Losing a patient for the first time, Ghost Doctor’s latest episode leads to a devastating path for a first-year resident. Ko Seung Tak deduces what is preventing Professor Cha from regaining consciousness. And, just prior to the big day, a patient presents to the emergency room in need of a surgeon. However,...
Bottled-up feelings of a coma ghost finally burst into tears of anger and disappointment in the latest episode of Ghost Doctor. While Cha Young Min’s body improves in the living realm, his soul weakens in the spirit realm. Thus, they run into difficulty in the operating room, as Young Min...
Seung Tak strives to identify what caused Young Min’s meaningful brain activity in the recent episodes of Ghost Doctor. Upon hearing the wonderful news, Seung Tak makes every effort to awaken Young Min from his coma. He goes on a date with Dr. Jang to acquire more happy hormones and...