Returning from the depths, Hellbound Season 2 is set to premiere on October 25, accompanied by a captivating new teaser trailer and character key art that provide an exciting glimpse into the expansive universe and diverse ensemble cast. The first season of Hellbound achieved remarkable success, earning the title of...
Along with a teaser poster and trailer, the new series from esteemed director Yeon Sang-ho, declares a launch date. Slated for January 19 premiere, The Bequeathed narrates the story of a series of ominous events that transpire when a woman inherits a mountain left behind by his uncle whom he...
Netflix announces Yoo Ah In will step down and Kim Sung Cheol will take his place in Hellbound 2. Hellbound traverses the supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. It causes mayhem enabling the religious group The...
Taking a peek at how a married couple works together in times of family problems, Trolley moves to present the aftermath of making bad choices when we already know that it is. Featuring a couple who has a relatively harmonious relationship – a test to their marriage vow is coming...
SBS new Monday-Tuesday drama, Trolley held an online drama presentation. Attended by the creative team and lead actors, the series is scheduled to premiere on December 19. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the...
Vaunting the character posters, Trolley previews the connections that will transpire in the series. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret...
Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret gets revealed to the world. It boasts the creative team of Kim Moon-gyo who worked...
Enticing viewers, the new SBS Monday-Tuesday melodrama, Trolley, gravitates with revealed intriguing teasers. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lived with her past hidden. But her secret gets revealed...
Netflix’s Korean Series Hellbound climbed to the streaming service’s top 10 list in 71 countries immediately upon its release. Hellbound, the epitome of dystopia envisioned by Director Yeon Sang-ho, is a global phenomenon. Hellbound is a Netflix Series on supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere...
Amidst the pictured mayhem, Hellbound propelled a transfixing teaser heightening anticipation to its premiere! Hellbound depicts otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. These supernatural events cause great havoc and enable the religious group The New Truth to grow in influence....