Starpeace Entertainment saves its artists, turning the tides of the public opinion in the recent episode of IDOL: The Coup. Jenna carries on with her decision to be a backup dancer for KillA along with Elle. Despite that, Cotton Candy has also successfully performed their collaboration with Mars. A news article...
In the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup, Troy and Cotton Candy reminisce about their plans of collaborating. As Troy’s conditions request for Elle’s sincere apology, Jenna follows Elle around to persuade her to come back, and also fulfill Troy’s condition. Cotton Candy members are angered with the revelation that...
In the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup, Jenna humbly approaches Troy, a now competent producer who has an unpleasant past with Cotton Candy. Dropping Bbiyong as their producer, Jenna decides to try asking for help from Troy even though they have an unpleasant past. Cotton Candy releases a new...
Stuck in between Ji-han and CEO Cha, Jenna switches directions to kiss CEO Cha in the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup. Thinking of the same plan, Ji-han and Jenna agree to start a dating rumor about them. However, CEO Cha comes in time at their set-up, but Jenna decides...
In the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup, Jenna challenges CEO Cha’s authority, and agrees to a high-risk deal. Cotton Candy members grieve for the deaths of CEO Ma and Du-ho, the people who supported Cotton Candy at their beginnings. Meanwhile, CEO Cha takes over Starpeace, and undergoes Cotton Candy...
While Cotton Candy members are stuck at a rainy postponed gig, CEO Ma and Cotton Candy’s ex-manager, Du-ho’s lives are endangered in the third episode of IDOL: The Coup. After the confrontation in the practice studio, Hyun-ji kicks out Jenna from their group’s housing. After going to their company and...
Tears well up with the emotional beginning of IDOL: The Coup, but it also sets forth a desperate fight for survival! Upon its start, IDOL: The Coup has set the tone of its story about idols that are at the risk of disbanding. Viewers may come to empathize and become...
The star-studded cast of IDOL: The Coup express their thoughts and experiences in the drama! JTBC’s new Monday-Tuesday drama IDOL: The Coup is a story that resonates with young people who cannot part ways with their failed dreams. In the drama’s press conference, Ahn Hee Yeon (Hani), WJSN’s Chu So-jung...
Actor Lee Ki Woo confirmed that he would appear on JTBC’s My Liberation Diary. Directed by Kim Seok Yoon and written by Park Hae Young, My Liberation Diary narrates the story of three siblings and a stranger. The three siblings wanted to escape their dull life and live the life they wanted to...
SALT Entertainment dropped mesmerizing photos of actress Kim Ji Won and it sure will delight her fans! Parading captivating looks, the actress defined natural, innocent, chic and lovely with a tinge of her own colors. Moreover, the close-up shots highlight Kim’s attractive features. She effortlessly flaunts her charms in various...