Transcending a flowing charisma, the lead cast of Tomorrow is primed to fulfill their roles in assisting those on the brink of death. After sketching two main posters for the eagerly awaited drama, it acquaints audiences with the opposite expressions of Kim Hee Sun, Kim Rowoon, Lee Soo Hyuk, and Yoon...
A new interesting batch of death angels is set to engross K-Drama viewers when Tomorrow premieres this month! They probably have the most arduous task as their work involves the afterlife. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, the new series shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally...
MBC continuously engages anticipating viewers with a parade of teasers for Kim Hee Sun, Rowoon, Lee Soo Hyuk and Yoon Ji On’s upcoming series, Tomorrow! Based on a webtoon written by Rama, the new series shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special...
MBC’s new weekend supernatural-themed series, Tomorrow, dropped the first character stills of the lead pairing! It surely is worth checking out! Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker...
Decked with a refined palace romance, The King’s Affection also imparts potent messages about genuine happiness. Pretending to be someone else for the rest of one’s existence would definitely be a daunting task to undertake, especially if one is forced to do so. On that note, The King’s Affection sealed...
With Yi Hwi’s abdication of the throne and the imprisoned Lord Sangheon, The King’s Affection marches to its final chapter. Ji-un and Yi Hwi unknowingly help one another in their search for definitive proof of Lord Sangheon’s demise. However, the fight does not end there, as Yi Hwi’s grandfather escapes...
Yi Hwi fights her battle on her own to finally bring Lord Sangheon down in episode 18 of The King’s Affection. Considering Lord Sangheon might know the King’s grave secret, Yi Hwi uses this chance to expose her grandfather’s crimes without risking anybody precious to her. ms. sunshine watched The King’s Affection...
In the 17th episode of The King’s Affection, palace rumors drive Ji-un to accept his father’s proposition to marry So-eun. Putting an end to the spreading rumor, Seok-jo uses the fact that Yi Hwi is a woman to marry off Ji-un to So-eun. Refusing his father’s way, Ji-un has no choice...
In the recent episodes of The King’s Affection, Yi Hwi and Ji-un continue to genuinely show their romantic feelings. Swiftly displaying their affection for one another but with extreme caution, it is Yi Hwi’s time to express her jealousy over Ji-un’s unexpected visitor. ms. sunshine watched The King’s Affection on Netflix...
After numerous rejections from Yi Hwi, Ji-un’s love finally returned with no hesitations in episode 15 of The King’s Affection. Fighting using her mind, Yi Hwi strategically commences her endeavor to rectify and reform the court under her grandfather’s grasp. ms. sunshine watched The King’s Affection on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 &...