Netflix film Kill Boksoon unleashes character posters of Jeon Do Yeon, Sol Kyung Gu, Esom and Koo Kyo Hwan in vivid and distinct charms. Confirmed to drop on March 31, Jeon Do Yeon juggles motherhood and contract killing in her new role in Kill Boksoon. Kill Boksoon is an action...
Marking her drama return, Lee Na Young decorates an interesting character who travels for personal healing in Park Ha Kyung’s Journey. Park Ha Kyung’s Travel Journal (LT) depicts unexpected moments and miraculous encounters of Korean language arts teacher Park Ha Kyung (Lee Na Young) who goes on one-day trips on Saturdays...
Armed with intense action and a star-studded cast, Kill Boksoon unfurls empathic new teasers! Confirmed to drop on March 31, Jeon Do Yeon juggles motherhood and contract killing in her new role in Kill Boksoon. Kill Boksoon is an action film following Boksoon, who leads a double life of an...
Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a remote town, TVING’s dark-themed series Monstrous is written by Ryu Yong Jae and Director Yeon Sang Ho who previously produced...
An intriguing series is underway for Netflix with Director Yeon Sang Ho confirmed to helm the production. Based on Hitoshi Iwaaki’s manga, Parasite: The Gray depicts the story of how humans try to stop an unidentified parasite that has fallen from space. It begins to kill and create its own...
Appearing as Bang Gu-ppong in Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Koo Kyo Hwan leaves viewers an important message concerning children’s liberation. In the ninth episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, the series introduces Bang Gu-ppong (Koo Kyo Hwan), the self-proclaimed commander-in-chief of a group he called the Children’s Liberation Army. Without parental consent,...
Koo Kyo Hwan was hailed as the best rookie at the recently concluded Blue Dragon Series Awards. The actor won the prestigious award in the drama category for the Netflix Series D.P. The awarding ceremony was held at the Paradise City Chroma in Incheon, on July 19. The Blue Dragon Series...
The lauded Netflix series which impressed local and global viewers shares an update piquing more interest. Returning for its second season, D.P. introduces new faces and the continuation of unfinished business. D.P. Season 2 picks up with the initial premise of Deserter Pursuit Unit members An Jun-ho (Jung Hae In)...
Finally held with Korean entertainment artists and creators convened at a venue, the 58th Baeksang Arts Awards rolled out the big winners in film and television. The 58th Baeksang Arts Awards was held with over 1,200 spectators. Notably, the nominees enjoyed the festival this time sitting side by side. Shin...
Crime, comedy, thriller and romance are what’s in store for viewers in the new K-Dramas on Viu launching this month! As covid restrictions ease, it’s the perfect time to get your friends and family together for a watch party and get hooked on all the latest releases on Viu. BOARD...