Onto his last gamble in life after being entangled in a murder case, casino legend Cha Moo-sik continues his story on Big Bet Season 2. Disney+ announces that Big Bet Season 2 is scheduled to be released on February 15. Completing its story from the first season, the second season...
Cooperating with the Korean desk in Big Bet, Moo-sik contributes information on the recent murder. Launching an investigation into the murder found on a sugarcane field, Seung-hun hears out what Moo-sik has to say. Meanwhile, So-jung takes a run on Ms. Ko’s winnings, but Philip warns her of the dangers...
Learning about the murders that occurred, Moo-sik protects his connections in Big Bet. Adjusting to his new working conditions in the Philippines, Seung-hun begins his investigation on the CEO of Pastella. Meanwhile, Moo-sik learns about the murders his acquaintances committed. Marcie Line watched Big Bet on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01-03...
Even with different locations, Moo-sik meets success in managing casinos in Big Bet. Becoming friends with prominent politicians in Manila, Moo-sik reaches new heights in running a casino. However, with the administration change, he moves to Caliz, but still becomes successful with Bolton in its opening. Meanwhile, Oh Seung-hun arrives...
Testing out a man’s luck in life, Big Bet dives into the mind of a gambler. Despite having the grit and resilience to fight whatever is thrown in life, a man’s origin finds its way to drag him down the same path he ought to avoid. Opening Week Rating: Marcie...
Mixing sci-fi, psychological issues, mass hysteria, and human relationships; Glitch is a slow-paced series with flaws but with meaningful lessons that make sense. The 10-episode journey revolves around the protagonist trying to find her ex-boyfriend which results in uncovering disturbing truths. Banal existence, adulthood, life choices, and alien obsession are...
Casino, a Disney+ original series, heightens the expectations for its superb casting! Choi Min-Sik, Son Suk Ku, Lee Dong Hwi, and Heo Sung Tae are confirmed as the lead cast of the series. Casino is an intense story about a man who became the king of the casino. However, after...
Action-comedy movie Extreme Job can make you laugh while also thinking about the crime it focuses on! Catching a criminal with a lot of casualties, the narcotics squad unit headed by Captain Ko (Ryu Seung Ryong) is at the brink of disbandment. Chief Choi (Song Young Kyu) gives a tip...
South Korean film New Year’s Eve unveiled teasers of its four love pairings along with its launch date. Eagerly awaited, New Year’s Eve features different stories of love narrated in four-couple perspectives. Affirming its title, the film will premiere on December 30, ahead of the new year. UPDATE: On December...
It’s amazing how The Call plugs a virtual connection the moment you hit “play” on your Netflix screen! Park Shin Hye and Jeon Jeong Seo take the viewers to a roller-coaster ride into their worlds happening instantaneously from different timelines in The Call. The film threads on the story of...