TVING’s upcoming original series Work Later, Drink Now unveiled character posters featuring its main cast! Scheduled to premiere on October 22, Work Later, Drink Now depicts the story of three women who believe that drinking a glass of wine after work defines life itself. For its upcoming launch, the production team...
A new web drama is underway for TVING and the production begins upon the completion of its casting. Titled 술꾼도시여자들 City Girl Drinkers (LT), the series chronicles the story of three women who believe that drinking a glass of wine after work defines life itself. Based on the webtoon Drunk...
Squad 38 is a savvy crime drama that fascinates! With the number of romance dramas brandishing in K-Dramaland 2016, a story maneuvered by a con artist and his snappy team helping out an employee of the city’s Taxation office in retrieving unpaid revenues from greedy rich people surprisingly caught and...
Upon its first weekend release, Mission Possible achieved an impressive feat! The film starring Kim Young Kwang and Lee Sun Bin took the top spot for week covering took the top spot in the box office for three days on the weekend of the 19th and 21st. Gathering 13,373 over...
Team Bulldog: Off-Duty Investigation swerves from the usual tone of crime stories OCN features. Nevertheless, the attention to bring interesting cop investigation narrative is felt. Featuring 12 episodes highlighting five serial killing cases, Team Bulldog: Off-Duty Investigation, top-billed by Cha Tae Hyun and Lee Sun Bin, move to a relatively...