Writer Noh and Director Kim believe you have tears left to cry. Brace yourselves for the last tale in Our Blues that will tug your heartstrings. The narratives of the omnibus series Our Blues are nearing their end. This time, viewers will embark on an unexpected yet meaningful trip to...
Once again, Our Blues understood the assignment. Since Episode 5, Our Blues has consistently showcased episodes teeming with impactful messages and relevant themes. This holds as well for episodes 14 and 15. In this arc, actress Jung Eun Hye, a person with down syndrome, and deaf actress Lee So Byeol demonstrated...
Taking a quick break from the heartbreaking and tear-jerking moments, Our Blues episode 11 weaves two love stories to make your heart flutter. With Dong-Seok (Lee Byung Hun) reunited with Seon-A, Young-Ok (Han Ji Min), and Captain Park Jeong-jun (Kim Woo Bin) officially in a relationship, this episode of Our...
Writer Noh Hee Kyung and Director Kim Kyu Tae are not yet done chopping onions. They are just getting started in tugging the viewers’ heartstrings – and for good reasons! Our Blues episodes 9 and 10 mark the beginning of the series’ second half. Viewers can expect that the succeeding...
A baby is on the way; hence the inevitable need to be confronted. However, the more resolute Hyeon and Yeong-ju are, the more adamant their fathers disapprove of their decision. Our Blues episode 7 & 8 delivers a series of tear-jerking and hopeful scenes. Hyeon encouraged and assured Yeong-ju that...
Fragments of Seon-A’s past in Jeju and her connection with Dong-Seok are finally explained as their backstory takes the limelight in the omnibus drama’s trajectory. After seeing the excerpts of Seon A’s (Shin Min Ah) life in the past episodes, viewers get to know more about her pain and struggles...
An unexpected twist of fate awaits Yeongju, Hyeon, In-Gwon and Hosik. The first four episodes of Our Blues showed that Eun Hui’s friends are not on good terms. In-Gwon and Ho-Sik, who are both hardworking single dads, are like water and oil that cannot be mixed together. Despite renting apartments...
Presenting realistic cinematography and a plot premise in the first two episodes, this omnibus drama is indeed a series that hits home. Writer Noh and Director Kim were able to uniquely position Our Blues among Korean dramas of similar genres. In particular, the premiere week did not disappoint by portraying convincingly...
Taking pride in its realistic yet ambitious background and world-building, Our Blues director Kim Kyu Tae and writer Noh Hee Kyung break down the series’ overview for the anticipating viewers. With the intriguing posters and teasers parading a collection of distinguished Korean actors and actresses, this upcoming series is set...
Featuring varying generations, Our Blues unveils the latest stills from its omnibus drama. Our Blues tells the story of all those who find themselves at the end, climax, or beginning of their lives. It is an omnibus drama that chronicles the lives of different characters against the backdrop of Jeju’s...