With the success of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Joo Jung Hyuk expresses his utmost gratitude and promises to work harder in the future. Extraordinary Attorney Woo depicts the story of Woo Young-woo (Park Eun Bin), who has a genius brain and autism, solving cases from a different point of view. As...
Truly, hard work, talent and commitment to her character led to an iconic role for actress Park Eun Bin! Coming to a closure yesterday, the record-breaking series Extraordinary Attorney Woo ended at 17.5% nationwide viewership rating according to Nielsen Korea. For the duration of its run, the series has amassed...
Hitting the finale tomorrow, the well-loved series starring Park Eun Bin and Kang Tae Oh gets possible green light for another new season. It was announced by the production teams that season 2 production is “in discussion”. The goal is to broadcast in 2024 with a structure that coordinates the...
In the penultimate week of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, lessons about career, understanding people and holding on to a relationship were sparingly made with ample conviction. Either way, keeping a thriving relationship between normal people and those committing to special cases require utmost patience and effort. abbyinhallyuland watches Extraordinary Attorney Woo...
From whale stories over lunch, Young-woo excitedly brings along Jun-ho to watch for her favorite whales in the 13th episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Having a particular penchant for whales, Young-woo (Park Eun Bin) adorably mixed business with pleasure when a chance for her to work on a case leads...
Thanks to the superb character immersion of Park Eun Bin, she brought a whole new world of K-Healing to viewers. From the first broadcast, the talented actress amazed viewers with her excellent performance as a lawyer with autism. Continuously raising admiration from domestic and global viewers; her genuine efforts to...
Episode 12 of Extraordinary Attorney Woo gifted a subtly-poignant-sweet-just-the-same moment for whale couple Park Eun Bin and Kang Tae Oh. Still going on dates, Jun-ho (Kang Tae Oh) learned about the kiss he last shared with Young-woo (Park Eun Bin) was witnessed by her father. The latter demands to meet...
Confronting a typical lawyer’s dilemma; Young-woo faced unsettling career thoughts that her principled self can’t just overlook in the latest episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. On top of that, she also tackles the relationship that she has not yet labeled properly with Jun-ho, even after going on multiple dates and...
Marking a pre-birthday celebration with her fans, Park Eun Bin is set to make her maiden fan meeting in Seoul! Bringing heartening moments for her role as Woo Young-woo in hit drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo, the talented actress will meet her fans next month! The event is set to be...
Adorably processing her “girl in love” moment, Woo Young-woo shares with Jun-ho not only the bliss but her vulnerability in the 11th episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. She also trusts Jun-ho with her thoughts, actions and even feelings as a person with autism. Lucky her, the boy she likes is...