Feeling sorry and overwhelmed by her sisters’ routine meddling in her life, Oh In-hye makes a firm decision to leave home in the 3rd episode of Little Women. Both In-joo and In-kyung also find a blue orchid that would soon tie them up to challenge a villain that inadvertently entered...
Powered by a relatively young talented cast, the lead stars and director of All Of Us Are Dead graced the media conference earlier today. Director Lee JQ, Park Ji Hu, Yoon Chan Young, Cho Yi Hyun, Lomon, Yoo In Soo, Lee You Mi and Lim Jae Hyuk expressed candid and...
Conveying an unprecedented story, All of Us Are Dead imparts a greater perspective on characters and more formidable zombies. All of Us Are Dead follows isolated students as they wait for rescue at a school where the zombie virus’s rapid spread drives them to struggle for survival. Recounting the intense encounter...
Exhibiting a dreadful ordinary school day, All of Us Are Dead escalates with students battling a deadly zombie virus. All of Us Are Dead follows isolated students waiting for rescue in a school where the fast spread of the zombie virus forces them to fight for their survival. Unveiling the...
K-Drama industry is soaring high with recent successful feats. Pushing the popularity are K-Zombie-themed stories that easily settle as fan favorites. Since the worldwide hit Kingdom where zombies roam in the unique setting of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, more productions have charmed viewers. From the traditional setting, Netflix takes the audience...