Disney+ new series introduces the characters that will decorate the highly anticipated story. Headlined by Parasite star Song Kang Ho, and Byun Yo Han (Mr. Sunshine), Uncle Samsik is a societal drama set in 1960s Korea that follows an idealistic politician, and a mysterious political fixer called Uncle Samsik who...
Ending with the highest viewership rating in 2022, Reborn Rich imparts a gripping story filled with twists. Watching a protagonist fight his way through adversities has been surely worth anticipating, evident in its finale’s high rating of 30.1% in the metropolitan area. Being born rich is like a miracle, but...
Standing in between the two brothers, Do-jun bargains with Young-ki and Dong-ki who breached each other’s trust in Reborn Rich. Lee Hang-jae gets voted as the CEO of the financial holding company, which later falls through. Understanding what his grandfather left him, Do-jun encounters again the micro project he first...
Bound to happen, Chairman Jin passes away and Do-jun inherits nothing in Reborn Rich. Still able to hold out for the board meeting, Chairman Jin witnesses Do-jun becoming the CEO of Soonyang Financial Holding Company. However, as Do-jun reaches success with the launch of Apollo, the chairman passes away. Marcie...
Surviving the car collision, Chairman Jin searches for its instigator in Reborn Rich. Miracle Investment acquires Soonyang Department Store and Soonyang Investment after Hwa-young’s and Dong-ki’s mismanagement. Chairman Jin’s proclamation of Do-jun as the owner of Soonyang Financial Holding Company gets postponed after falling into a car accident. Marcie Line...
Stubborn in her stock investment, Hwa-young gets investigated for embezzlement in Reborn Rich. Do-jun tips Min-yeong about his aunt’s embezzlement, but Hwa-young reverses the table, calling it a false report to facilitate a hostile takeover. Marcie Line watched Reborn Rich on Viu Episode Recaps: 01-03 | 04 | 05 &...
Where everyone has a chance to inherit Soonyang, Do-jun fuels the fight for shares in Reborn Rich. No longer hidden as the majority shareholder of Miracle Investment, Do-jun declares to Chairman Jin his intentions of buying Soonyang. Seong-jun’s marriage with Hyeon-min pushes through, but the chairman announces that the most...
Infuriated with Miracle Investment, Chairman Jin discovers Do-jun as the man behind it in Reborn Rich. Through Miracle Investment, Do-jun attempts to acquire Ahjin Motors during the IMF crisis to save his family in his past life. He still fails to save his mother, but successfully puts Chang-je as mayor...
Prepping up for a perfect K-Dramaland wrap-up, Reborn Rich affirms its forthcoming launch and main cast before the year closes! Raising the excitement meter for K-Drama fans, Viu secured JTBC series Reborn Rich top-billed by Song Joong Ki, Lee Sung Min, and Shin Hyun Bin. Reborn Rich chronicles the story...
Heated confrontations are featured in the first trailer preview of the grand competition this Friday! Produced by CJ ENM and presented by iQiyi, the global premiere for the Korean reality show is slated on August 6 at 7:20 PM SGT on iQiyi international service (outside of Mainland China, Japan and...