Crash Course In Romance’s latest teasers generated buzz that had fans wholly immersed in the show even before it premiered. tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday drama Crash Course in Romance depicts the bittersweet scandal between a passionate owner of a side dish store and a Korean Math instructor on the competitive battlefield of...
Jung Kyung Ho and Jeon Do Yeon are polar opposites in the new posters and trailers of Crash Course in Romance. Slated for January broadcast, Crash Course in Romance depicts the bittersweet scandal between a passionate owner of a side dish store and a Korean math instructor on the competitive...
Our heartwarming weekly prescriptions from our favorite psychiatrist, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2, are back this January 11, 2023! tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist, returns on the small screen for a sequel along with the whole Gyesoo family. Concluding its first season last September, the series became notable...
Exhibiting his acting prowess, Ji Sung is ready to awe viewers as he transforms into twin brothers for tvN’s new thriller drama, Adamas. Lining up a solid cast, including Ji Sung, tvN’s Adamas is set to introduce powerful synergies of actors on July 27. Joining the remarkable actor are Seo Ji Hye (Sixth...
A new romantic comedy series is underway for tvN and it tapped Jeon Do Yeon and Jung Kyung Ho as the lead cast. Titled 일타스캔들 One Shot Scandal, the series is set to premiere in the first half of 2023. Directed by Yoo Je Won, who previously worked in the...
tvN’s romance drama, Eve preps to unveil a vengeful, suspenseful, and sensual narrative slated to broadcast on June 1st. Eve follows the bittersweet story of Lee Ra El, portrayed by Seo Yea Ji. Despite being born into a perfect and well-off family, Ra El lost her parents at a young age. Thirteen...
Yeo Jin Goo and Moon Ga Young flaunt their deep connection in various teasers for tvN’s upcoming fantasy drama Link: Eat, Love, Kill. Securing tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama slot, Link tells the story of a man who unexpectedly starts sharing different emotions with a woman. Yeo Jin Goo will portray the character...
The steady slow-burn nature of Record Of Youth indeed makes viewers expectant, yet also gives a soothing vibe. Each episode of the series will take its viewers on an emotional roller-coaster ride that would make them laugh, cry and keep them at the edge of their seats as they witness...
Before its launch this month, the director of tvN’s Bulgasal: Immortal Souls vows for a “rich and emotional” narrative. Bulgasal: Immortal Souls pivots around the story of a 600 years old Bulgasal, Dan Hwal (Lee Jin Wook), who can’t kill nor die. He’s been searching for another Bulgasal, Min Sang Woo (Kwon Na Ra),...
Following unveiled character stills, Lee Joon and Gong Seung Yeon reveal their experiences while filming for Bulgasal: Immortal Souls. Playing the role of a rich and influential Bulgasal, Ok Eul Tae, actor Lee Joon expressed his gladness for accepting the role for Bulgasal: Immortal Souls. He shared, “I was completely fascinated by Ok...