Summer Strike inspires viewers to take a step back as means of moving forward and giving our life a new meaning. Setting the narrative on self-discovery and taking a break from life, Summer Strike follows the story of a grief-stricken woman finding her path to healing and happiness. Lyris watches Summer Strike...
“ONEderful Day with Kim Seol Hyun” Facebook Live Streaming event and exclusive virtual fan-meeting sessions also announced! ONE, Asia’s leading network for the best of Korean entertainment (owned and fully operated by KC Global Media), announced the first and exclusive premiere of the latest 12-episode Korean romance drama series, Summer...
Acquainting viewers with the lead stars of Summer Strike, the Genie TV original series rolled out stills featuring Im Si Wan and Seolhyun. Aiming to deliver messages about healing through taking a pause in life, the series is slated for a November release. Adapted from Joo Young-Hyun’s romance webtoon series,...
Genie TV’s original drama, Summer Strike, which will be released in November previews a story of healing. Adapted from Joo Young-Hyun’s romance webtoon series, “I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything”, Summer Strike sees Seolhyun take on the role of protagonist Yeoreum, while Im Si Wan plays her love interest, Daebum....
Lee Kwang Soo, Seolhyun and Jin Hee Kyung embark on a journey as neighborhood “supermarket heroes” in The Killer’s Shopping List! Positioned to premiere on tvN’s midweek slot, the series airs its first episode on April 27. In this new drama, a mart manager, a cashier and a police officer...