Returning to the small screen, Park Hyung Sik challenges the role of a lonely Crown Prince in Our Blooming Youth. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee are seen in conflicting interactions in the recent stills of Our Blooming Youth. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
Inducing heart flutters, the main poster of Our Blooming Youth is nothing but arrestingly sweet. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in which a brilliant girl is...
Piquing viewers’ interest, Our Blooming Youth presents its male lead in an arresting teaser poster. In the new tvN series, Park Hyung Sik suits up to the role of a crown prince. Our Blooming Youth narrates the meeting of a mysterious cursed crown prince and a genius girl who was singled...
tvN confirms upcoming series top-billed by Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee slated for February 6, 2023 release. 청춘월담 Our Blooming Youth (WT) narrates the meeting of a mysterious cursed crown prince and a genius girl who was singled out as the culprit of a family murder overnight. They...
Soothingly adorable and romantic, we hope to witness the special friendship morphing into a special true love in Soundtrack #1! Humming a light, romantic tune, the series mesmerizes with its saccharine premise. Park Hyung Sik and Han So Hee supersize the love idea about two friends who refuse to cross...
Perched to gift women with swoon-worthy romance, Park Hyung Sik conveys thoughts about his latest drama and role. Fresh from the success of his comeback drama, Happiness, the actor returns to romance genre where his charm is strongly palpable. His latest project, Soundtrack #1 is a music-romance drama about a...
Primed to capture the best friend worth falling in love with, Park Hyung Sik is all set for Soundtrack #1. With his melting gaze, the singer-actor couldn’t be more apt to portray the male lead of Disney+ latest series. Music romance drama Soundtrack #1 narrates the story of a man...
Along with character posters unveiled, Soundtrack #1 hints at the friendship-borderline-romance connection between Han So Hee and Park Hyung Sik! Drawing attention to the collaboration of two popular and talented actors, the series is slated to release on Disney+ in March. Soundtrack #1 narrates the story of a man and...
Romance-music drama, Soundtrack #1 hums sweet vibe in latest teasers featuring Park Hyung Sik and Han So Hee! Along with the poster, an interesting trailer was also released. Soundtrack #1 narrates the story of a man and a woman who have been best friends for 20 years. They stay in...