To be released on March 1, Delivery Man foreshadows a fascinating fantasy duo to decorate the series. The series follows the story of a taxi driver named Young-min who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories. Anticipation is expected on what kind...
Bang Minah suits up as Kang Ji-hyun, a lively and bright ghost with amnesia in Delivery Man! Slated for a March broadcast, Delivery Man follows the story of a taxi driver named Young-min who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories....
A thrilling and comical investigation drama is underway for Genie TV! Slated for a March broadcast, Delivery Man follows the story of a taxi driver who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories. Anticipation is expected on what kind of special...
The 24th Seoul International Women’s Film Festival has confirmed Bang Minah as the eighth ambassador ahead of the opening on August 25th. Diligent and talented, Bang Minah has ventured into various roles across dramas, movies and musicals as she built a solid filmography. Accordingly, her most famous and lauded roles...
The creative team of Check Out The Event praises Bang Min Ah, Kwon Hwa Woon, and Ahn Woo Yeon in the recent press conference. MBC’s Check Out The Event unfolds a sweet and bitter story starting this August 14. Producers Kim Ji Hoon and Lee Han Joon led the media conference and share...