In a world full of cruelty, Brain Works presents an agonizing, heart-rending and tragic story of two brothers protecting each other. A heinous murder occurred when a reclusive stepson murdered his mother when she went for a mountain walk. However, no clear evidence supports that the suspect is guilty of...
Suffering from a lovesick, Physician Yoo followed Lady Seo, hoping to treat his heart in Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2 episode 8. As soon as Lady Eun-woo leaves Sorak Village, Physician Yoo concludes that his heart cannot endure with her around. On the other hand, Physician Gye directs the Gyesoo Family to...
Learning his life’s savior’s surviving family is within his reach further heightened the growing fondness Chi-yeol has for the Nam family in the 4th week of Crash Course In Romance. He is also connecting to Haeng-seon on an almost-love level that he has yet to realize. abbyinhallyuland watches Crash Course...
How much time and effort one commits to his or her lover’s family raised contemplative moments in the 3rd week of Strangers Again. Keeping relationship-breaking secrets for fear of hurting our family members was also highlighted in the latest chapters. Strangers Again continues its provision of ruminative lessons about relationships,...
Events from the past are haunting the present investigations conducted by Do-han and his team in the 2nd week of Decoy! Sangcheon’s Victims’ Club continues on its quest to make the police open the case they did not fully work on. This puts Chief Kang and Chief Prosecutor Park in...
An endearing skill exchange slowly builds up the connection and healing in the recent episodes of Crash Course In Romance. From its decent premiere week, the slow start of this Jeon Do Yeon and Jung Kyung Ho starter escalates to a perfect dose of weekend delight for your K-Drama needs....
Determined to destroy Physician Yoo, District Governor Ahn, and Inspector Jeon also targets Lady Seo in the 7th episode of Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2. Failing to marry off Ip-bun with one of the relatives of the Second State Councilor, District Governor Ahn executed dirty tactics just to terminate Physician Yoo. ...
Realistically rationalizing that competence is required when deciding to marry or to divorce, Strangers Again asserts the importance of mutual compromise in a relationship. Surprisingly, Strangers Again does not like beating around the bush and reveals already the answer to the hanging question from the opening week. Rooting for “love”...
Taking a peek at a married couple’s rocky relationship, Brain Works reveals the great lengths a person will go to protect the ones they love. A man with Capgras Syndrome who believes his wife has been replaced with an AI program and his wife, who suddenly develops symptoms of conversion...
The thrilling tension between Go Ah-in and Choi Chang-soo escalates as Agency pits them in a battle of who will win the PR commercial presentation. The battle between intelligence and strategy is at hand as shown in the newly released episode of Agency. Intriguing for its viewers who have a...