3 Reasons Why “Little Women” Is The Next Big Thing In K-Dramaland

Little Women

Inspired by the widely-regarded classic novel, Korean drama Little Women is poised to take viewers to an intriguing narrative!

The trailer for Little Women opened up with a warm and sweet scene with three sisters celebrating a birthday, with a sudden, alarming turn of the story involving mega-scale schemes for finding 70 billion won’s worth of a slush fund.

Here are some takeaways from the Little Women Press conference on August 29th.

PRESS CONFERENCE: “Little Women” Whets Interest With Solid Story Intertwining The Characters

Superb Creative Team and Cast Lineup

Director Kim Hee-won, the famous director of Vincenzo, is back with her mind playing mystery narrative.

This time, she joins her genius talents with writer Chung Seo Kyung, celebrated for her works in the masterpiece The Handmaiden and the recent talk of the town, Decision to Leave who wrote the enticing story of three brave but poor sisters who are about to rebel against the richest family in Korea.

As always, her stories have evident and worth sympathizing motives: the three sisters are very close, but the issue of money (or the lack of it) seeps into their lives.

At the press conference, Director Kim Hee-won said, “Writer Chung Seo Kyung reimagined the novel Little Women, starting with the question “What if the sisters came to Korea?,” she added, “The tightly-knit narrative is brought to life by the production designer Ryu Seong-hee and the powerful cast performances.

It was a great experience to work with this dream team.” Stay tuned to watch as the 3 sisters get in action with one of the most compelling storylines created by the two extraordinary storytellers.

3 Brilliant Actresses In One Drama

Kim Go Eun will play Oh In-ju, the eldest sister. She is the most exhausted from poverty and feels responsible for saving her little family from dust and dirt-she ends up signing herself to a dangerous mission, all for the money and her sisters.

Kim Go Eun, who has already proved her multifaceted acting skills with varying roles in Guardian: The Lonely and Great God and The King: Eternal Monarch, will embark on widening her acting spectrum with this rather spectacular and scheming character. The actress revealed, “In-jo is a hardworking girl and always does her best, who seems to think it is the reason for her existence-she is complex and multifaceted, so I dived into the character from various angles.”

Oh In-kyung will be played by Nam Ji Hyun, known for her work in 100 Days My Prince, who is the second sister wiser than the first, and Oh In-hye will be played by Park Ji Hoo from the famous All of Us Are Dead, who is the youngest sister gifted in artistic talent and protected by her sisters.

Director Kim Hee-won stated, “The three actors have such a warm chemistry with their kind personalities and professional attitudes. They are supportive of each other, which makes them a perfect ensemble”. Other star-studded casts include Wi Ha Jun, who left a remarkable imprint on the viewers’ memory with his role in Squid Game, and veteran actors such as Um Ki-joon and Uhm Ji-won.

Gravitating Mystery Plot and Beautifully Captured Mise-en-scène

Director Kim Hee-won stated, “The three actors have such warm chemistry with their kind personalities and professional attitudes. They are supportive of each other, which makes them a perfect ensemble”.

Other star-studded casts include Wi Ha Jun, who left a remarkable imprint on the viewers’ memory with his role in Squid Game, and veteran actors such as Um Ki Joon and Uhm Ji-won.

Vincenzo with me, composed different genre tracks including classical music, which imbued power into the entire production.” Fans of both the director with her detailed storytelling abilities and the writer with her strong and defined voice are excited to see what the two put together will create.

Look out for the work of art with a fast-paced storyline, compelling motive, and beautifully put-together set designs.

Follow the storyline with riveting twists and turns, strong mise-en-scène, and the most distinctive three sisters only on Netflix when Little Women premieres on September 3rd!

PR Source: Netflix

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