Good news: our leads are back on good terms. Bad news: our heroine faces a crisis at work and is about to lose her company no thanks to her conspiring enemy.
At least, she isn’t alone in all this. Many people, including her beloved secretary, are joining hands to support our leading lady and save the company she built.
Bunny S. watches Love Scout on Netflix
Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 & 08 | 09 | 10 & 11 | Final Episode Recap + Series Review
Love Scout Episodes 10 and 11 Highlights
“Whenever I feel like collapsing, I think of his voice and endure.”
At first, Ji-yoon is in denial, asking if Eun-ho is sure about it or if this is a misunderstanding. Then, she breaks down in tears, yelling that Eun-ho should have kept it from her and wondering how she could be at ease around him anymore. It is heartbreaking with Ji-yoon sobbing her eyes out while crumbling on the floor and Eun-ho wanting to comfort her and barely holding himself back.
As luck would have it, Eun-ho’s six-month contract is almost over. After that, Eun-ho will be free to stay at the company or get a position at another company. Mi-ae asks Eun-ho to discuss it with Ji-yoon and let her know. Given the situation, Eun-ho can’t say a word about it to Ji-yoon. So, it is Mi-ae who tells Ji-yoon about Eun-ho’s situation. (Later, Ji-yoon encourages Eun-ho to make the best decision for himself, though we have yet to learn his decision.)
Thanks to some help from Mi-ae (who now supports our leads’ relationship even after hearing about their connection from Ji-yoon), Eun-ho gets to talk honestly with Ji-yoon since she has been avoiding him at work. It doesn’t change much, but at least Ji-yoon realizes that her father’s sacrifice didn’t go in vain, as Eun-ho did his best to live well and endure the hardships thrown at him.
Instead, Byeol inadvertently helps Ji-yoon sort out her feelings. It isn’t that Ji-yoon hates her father. She was just too scared, not knowing what to do after getting left alone in this world. Holding onto resentment and using it as a shield was the only way Ji-yoon could think of to go on with her life. Having come to terms with her feelings, Ji-yoon visits her father’s urn for the first time in a while and says that she misses him. Which marks the end of that heartbreaking chapter in Ji-yoon’s life.
Coming across Eun-ho in the elevator, Ji-yoon thanks him for growing up well and reaches out her hand to him, vowing to never let go of his hand again. Taking it a step further, Ji-yoon proudly walks hand in hand with Eun-ho at the office, publicly announcing that they are dating.
“I am so afraid that this will be the end.”
Now that things are working out between our leads, the drama shifts focus to the business side. As expected, Hye-jin tries to cheat her way, but luckily Ji-yoon catches on to Hye-jin’s scheme before it is too late and shifts strategies. With the help of Eun-ho and the other employees, Ji-yoon turns the table on Hye-jin and comes out victorious.
Unluckily, Ji-yoon’s victory only lasts briefly. No thanks to a sneaky Hye-jin, Ji-yoon gets investigated by police on the charges of colluding with another company to commit investment fraud. We know it isn’t true but public opinion turns against Ji-yoon and other companies cancel their contracts with her company. Since the situation looks dire, Ji-yoon tells the employees to work from home for the time being until further notice, acting strong before them and then admitting that she feels scared when she is alone together with Eun-ho.
Connecting the dots, a sharp Ji-yoon realizes Hye-jin is behind it all. Not that Hye-jin tries to deny it. She is rather proud and elated to have achieved her ultimate goal of taking Ji-yoon down, gloating that Ji-yoon will be left all alone after her company goes under. But unbeknownst to both of them, Eun-ho and the other employees are gathered to investigate the situation and look for a way to save the company.
Walking in on this scene, Ji-yoon feels touched. Hye-jin’s words were getting to her, but now Ji-yoon feels confident she can overcome this hurdle. From doubting herself to allowing herself to get help from others and be grateful for their help. Our girl went a long way and we trust her to come out on top once again. Except, Jung-hoon’s father gets impatient and offers Ji-yoon an ultimatum: resign and let Hye-jin take over in return for the employees keeping their jobs or stay stubborn and lose everything.
As we end this week, Ji-yoon declares she will step down as CEO, getting everyone shocked. However, a part of us believes Ji-yoon may have a card up her sleeve. I mean, there is no way Ji-yoon will hand over the company she built to Hye-jin without putting up a fight especially since Ji-yoon knows Hye-jin isn’t one to care about the employees and will discard them the first chance she gets.
Love Scout Episodes 10 and 11 Musings
The ending cliffhanger has us worried about the company and Ji-yoon, but we have faith in the drama to handle this one last hurdle smoothly and turn it into a growth opportunity, just like it did with the fire incident. Byeol has always reminded Ji-yoon of her younger self and her relationship with Eun-ho mirrored Ji-yoon’s relationship with her late father. So, it was an excellent choice to use Byeol to help resolve the situation between our leads. Among the countless scenarios the drama could go with, that was the most satisfying one.
Amidst the heavy plotting this week, Byeol and Ji-yoon’s scenes together felt refreshing. They are two peas in a pod, and we can’t wait for them to become something more than friends. Moreover, the mini-cohabitation we got this week was one of our favorite highlights. And just like Byeol, we want Ji-yoon to stay at Eun-ho’s house forever and not leave.
Last but not least, we are all in for the budding romance featuring Jung-hoon and Su-hyeon. What started as a camaraderie over their one-sided love is starting to blossom into something bigger, with the two running over whenever the other one feels down. Su-hyeon made it clear she is over Eun-ho now and the grin on Jung-hoon’s face suggests he feels the same too. Also, now that Jung-hoon decided to cut ties with his father, he will need all the guidance he can get to survive on his own and Su-hyeon’s mother will feel thrilled to welcome him into the family.
Photos and Videos: SBS Drama