K-DRAMA REVIEW: “Twinkling Watermelon” Shines The Message That Life Need Not Be Perfect To Be Happy

Celebrating life spontaneously despite experiencing setbacks rings throughout the sparkling narrative of Twinkling Watermelon.

Along with that, it reminds us that connections are forged through honest communication and creating memories.

Bunny S. watched Twinkling Watermelon on Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 & 08 | 09 & 10 | 11 & 12 | 13 & 14 | Finale Week Recap + Series Review |

Twinkling Watermelon Finale Week Recap

Our time travelers’ trip into the past comes to an end. It is time to pack up and return to where they originally belonged. And though some things remain unchanged, it doesn’t mean it is a sad ending. Sometimes the hardships we endure give us beautiful presents in return. Saying goodbye to the characters of the series makes us appreciate the precious happiness they gained through earnest efforts.

Despite having a clear insight into how the accident played out in the original timeline, unfortunately, Eun-gyeol couldn’t save Lee-chan. And this time, it hits harder because Lee-chan gets hit while saving Eun-gyeol. Waking up in the hospital, Lee-chan feels weird. He can’t hear his own voice. Once again, Lee-chan’s hearing is gone.

Filled with guilt and regret, Eun-gyeol is adamant about staying behind and helping Lee-chan. But as Eun-yu says, they don’t belong there but in the future. Lee-chan, Chung-ah, and Eun-ho are also there. And all the earnest efforts Eun-gyeol made have shaped the future more beautifully.

And she is spot on about that. When Eun-gyeol lands in the future, he is amazed by how different his life now is. To start with, he is a member of a successful band, preparing to join Dong-jin on his next music tour as a support band. He can now play the guitar freely, with the whole family rooting for him.

Chung-ah and Lee-chan are happily married, and the family portrait includes Chung-ah’s father as well. Both Chung-ah and Lee-chan have graduated from college and are still in touch with their high school friends, including Ma-joo, who has established his successful entertainment company, the one in charge of Eun-gyeol’s band.

Though scared at first, Lee-chan managed to not let his hearing loss ruin his life. He is now a director at Jinsung company, launching a brand-new guitar. And even though it is for a brief moment, he plays the guitar at the launching event.

Eun-yu also looks happier than before. She comes to see Eun-gyeol at his concert, and the two are ready to enjoy life and love each other to the fullest.

Twinkling Watermelon Quick Series Recap

Ha Eun-gyeol is given an extraordinary chance to travel into the past and meet with his teenage father, Ha Lee-chan, who is the same age as him. Through this journey, he understands his father better and grows alongside him. Also joining them on this unique journey are Choi Se-kyung, Lee-chan’s first love, and Yoon Chung-ah, Eun-gyeol’s mother. Together, the four of them form a band and enjoy their twinkling youth.

Twinkling Watermelon Series Highlights

Inspiring Life Lessons

The drama showered viewers with lots of precious lessons. Yet, the most remarkable takeaway is life shouldn’t be perfect for us to be happy. While living, we all face hardships, but taking a moment to enjoy our lives and be happy will help us go on with a better mindset. It is those little happy moments that make our lives worth it. Also, we shouldn’t sacrifice our youth for anyone, family included. Those days won’t come again, so we should do our best to make it count.

Fascinating Bromance Between Our Father-Son Duo

It’s easy to love the scenes shared by Eun-gyeol and Lee-chan. Those two have gone through a lot, from bickering over trivial things and pulling each other’s hair to being close friends and trusting each other. Eun-gyeol felt like the father Lee-chan never had and Eun-gyeol realized Lee-chan wasn’t immature but a cool guy.

The Sweet Romance Stories

No one can deny that Eun-gyeol and Eun-yu’s love storyline is cute. But Lee-chan and Chung-ah’s romance trumps it all. At the beginning of the drama, Eun-gyeol was concerned his parents wouldn’t meet. Thus, he wouldn’t be born. But as we saw it unfolding, Lee-chan once again fell for Chung-ah, and I dare to say, in a more mesmerizing way than the original timeline.

Chung-ah hiding behind Lee-chan when scared after returning home says volumes about how strong their relationship is. And jealous Lee-chan when spotting Chung-ah smiling at other boys is a delight to watch.

Twinkling Watermelon Series Musings

The drama has always been consistent in its message. The time travel’s purpose wasn’t to change the future and give the parents a different ending but to give our time travelers a break from their suffocating lives and teach them to enjoy life the way it is. Eun-yu might have understood that lesson earlier than Eun-gyeol, but he eventually came around.

The problem was never that his parents couldn’t hear but that Eun-gyeol kept everything to himself. He took the family burden upon himself. And ironically, this didn’t make them happy but sad and worried he was miserable because of them.

Still, when he trusted Lee-chan and went back to the future, Eun-gyeol saw for himself how strong his parents were. For sure, their brief encounter impacted everyone beautifully. But this was it. The rest was for his parents to figure out.

While we see where the writer came from with the accident arc, it was really heartbreaking to see Lee-chan get hurt three times. The last of which hit the hardest. The scene of Eun-gyeol bidding Lee-chan goodbye definitely made viewers cry their hearts out.

Even if Lee-chan gets back at that moment, he will still make the same choice and save Eun-gyeol. That is how selfless and kind-hearted this boy is. And no wonder, among the quartet, Lee-chan is deserving of our hugs. Despite growing up without parental love, Lee-chan loved those around him unconditionally. And whenever he spotted anyone needing help, he jumped in without anticipating anything in return.

A small gripe about the drama was that the finale felt rushed. We needed more time to explore the future after the changes. It was so confusing getting hit by all those changes in a short span of time. Also, we got nothing about Eun-yu’s family and how things changed for them.

Nevertheless, it’s a feel-good series and every moment you spend with those characters, be it the funny moments, the inspiring life lessons, or even the heartbreaking ones makes you happy. And if we can get over the heartbreak and puffy eyes we got from the finale, we will always be up for a rewatch. Viva La Vida!

Photos: tvN Drama

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