Be Melodramatic bares a not-so-melodrama plot as it tells about relatable light stories among friends. Set in the broadcasting world, layered with an ample amount of women empowering messages, viewers can easily fall in love with the female leads of the series as they show unique personalities and interesting love...
Nearing its premiere date, the mystery-thriller drama The Silent Sea rounded up the introduction of the main cast. Set in the future, when food and water are scarce, elite members who are tasked on a special mission embark to the moon to see an abandoned lunar research facility with only...
At the beginning of Ra Yi Eon and Kim Jo Yi’s romantic relationship, the hero of Secret Royal Inspector Joy adorably gets a taste of faint jealousy. Finally settling down in Hanyang, Kim Jo Yi, Kwang Soon, and Bi Ryung adjust to the fun yet dangerous city. Moreover, Jo Yi...
Yi Hwi fights her battle on her own to finally bring Lord Sangheon down in episode 18 of The King’s Affection. Considering Lord Sangheon might know the King’s grave secret, Yi Hwi uses this chance to expose her grandfather’s crimes without risking anybody precious to her. ms. sunshine watched The King’s Affection...
Making their small-screen return, Soo Ae and Kim Kang Woo decorate eagerly-awaited series, Artificial City! Highlighting the story of things that lose their value when greed and power come into play, the series will run for 20-episodes and will be simulcast within 24 hours from Korea on K-PLUS channel. “Artificial...
Recognizing their hard work, Kim Jae Young and Shin Hyun Been express their heartfelt gratitude for Reflection of You. Reflection of You chronicles the story of two different women, involving love, betrayal, corruption, and revenge. Kim Jae Young portrays a free-spirited sculptor, Seo Woo-jae. He showcased a figure that was entirely integrated...
Our Beloved Summer flaunts a youthful love that started with hate and eventually turned into something cherished. With its first two episodes, Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi transformed into high school students and had a love-hate relationship. After their break up, they met again after five years settled with...
Although he cherishes his unit’s song, Ji-han reveals the truth in the press conference and makes way for Cotton Candy in IDOL: The Coup. Ji-han disappears and becomes out of contact after his conversation with Bbiyong, who emphasized how Mars can be affected along the process of being just. However,...
Following unveiled character stills, Lee Joon and Gong Seung Yeon reveal their experiences while filming for Bulgasal: Immortal Souls. Playing the role of a rich and influential Bulgasal, Ok Eul Tae, actor Lee Joon expressed his gladness for accepting the role for Bulgasal: Immortal Souls. He shared, “I was completely fascinated by Ok...
Award-winning Korean pop idol Jisoo talks about her feelings working with Jung Hae In on their upcoming drama Snowdrop. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and...