Living up to its genre slice-of-life, Today’s Webtoon successfully depicts the different depths of each character’s points of view. Today’s Webtoon began with a classic humorous narrative. However, as the story progresses, different resonating moments of each character’s points of view and story are revealed. Moreover, the series illustrates how...
Today’s Webtoon takes us again on another roller coaster of emotions as Im Dong-hee reaches his limit in pursuing his dream as well as the NEON Webtoon Team faces another downturn. In this week’s episode, writer Baek Eo-jin’s longtime assistant, Im Dong-hee, who has been hoping for a debut for...
After letting go of Goo Seul-a to work with Producer Kwon, Ma-eum finds out that he has been treating the new artist in a harsh way in Today’s Webtoon episode 6. Ma-eum returns to work following her confession to her father that she wants to work in an office and...
After an eventful Webtoon Camp, Ma-eum faces more challenging situations as a rookie webtoon producer in Episode 5 of Today’s Webtoon. In the most recent episode of Today’s Webtoon, in hopes of wrapping up the Webtoon Camp smoothly, things didn’t turn out the way Man-chul wants them to. Ma-eum hurts...
A diamond in the rough took us on a roller coaster ride by setting the tone completely different in the latest episode of Today’s Webtoon. Ma-eum succeeds in convincing writer Kang-nam and gets her hard work and effort recognized. Meanwhile, Mr. Heo offered Jun-yeong a shocking deal, putting him in...
Ma-eum was assigned to one of her favorite webtoon artists. Despite ensuring the artist meets its deadline, things didn’t go as smoothly in the 3rd episode of Today’s Webtoon. After finding out about Jun-yeong’s revelation about the future of the NEON Webtoon team, Ma-eum didn’t let herself be bothered. Instead,...
With its first two episodes, Today’s Webtoon unfolds the truth behind the Korean webcomic industry and highlights the amusing tandem of Kim Sejeong and Nam Yoon Su. Kim Sejeong oozes a quirky and joyous aura in the opening week of Today’s Webtoon and left the viewers’ smiling because of her...
New stills of Kim Sejeong and Nam Yoon Su of Today’s Webtoon capture their growing chemistry on-screen as new webtoon editors. The lead characters of Today’s Webtoon, On Ma-eum (Kim Sejeong) and Goo Jun-yeong (Nam Yoon Su), enter the world of webcomics as they join the Neon Webtoon Editorial Department. Surprisingly,...
Offering a fresh and promising storyline, Today’s Webtoon showcases and explores behind the scenes in the webtoon office world. The new SBS drama, Today’s Webtoon, aspiringly takes the series as an opportunity to share how editors and writers work together to upload comics on a daily basis. In reality, the editors...
Kim Sejeong takes on a new acting challenge as a webtoon editor on Today’s Webtoon. On June 21, SBS’ new comedy-workplace series Today’s Webtoon released the first still cuts of its lead actress. Kim Sejeong (Business Proposal) takes on the role of On Ma-eum, a new webtoon editor. This further continues...