All episodes of Queen Woo are now available on Viu, and it’s a treat you don’t want to miss! Starring Jeon Jong Seo, Ji Chang Wook and Lee Soo Hyuk, this gripping historical action drama takes you on an unforgettable journey, blending palace politics, intense action, and dark, mature themes....
Queen Woo, a captivating new historical drama, delves into the tumultuous life of Queen Woo, a woman forced to navigate the treacherous waters of royal politics in ancient Goguryeo. Set against a backdrop of political intrigue and personal ambition, the series offers a fresh perspective on the life of a...
Kim Mu Yeol takes on the role of Eulpaso, the top strategist in Goguryeo, in the TVING original series Queen Woo, where he uncovers the mystery behind the king’s death. Queen Woo is a historical action drama centered on Queen Woo, who faces the ambitions of five tribes and princes...
TVING’s upcoming historical drama, Queen Woo, promises a thrilling tale of power, intrigue, and survival. Set in the tumultuous aftermath of the king’s demise, Queen Woo tells the story of Empress Woo, who finds herself at the center of a fierce struggle for power. With various factions vying for control and princes...
After giving us more circling around, a breakup, and a time jump, our leads finally muster up the courage to act upon their feelings and hold on to each other. It has been quite the journey, but instead of complaining about the process, let’s enjoy the destination we got and...
Our leads might have just started dating. But they keep getting hit by one hurdle after the other. Secrets are getting out in the open, with some causing more trouble than others. But instead of putting their heads together, everyone tries to take the fall on their own. Bunny S....
It is our leading lady’s turn to feel confused about her feelings. For someone who was set on following through with the contract marriage and getting everyone’s blessings, she is eating her words and getting irritated whenever her supposedly brother-in-law treats her well. Thankfully, after a bit of back and...
Our younger brother goes down a rabbit hole of his digging. And nothing he does can help take his mind off this feisty girl he keeps getting drawn to. Our heroine feels the same as him, though she might be a little slower in recognizing her feelings. Bunny S. watches...
Backfiring plans is the keyword this week. Our petty younger brother makes it his mission to snatch away this sneaky woman who came to ruin her plans. But wouldn’t you know it? He ends up falling for her, instead. And perhaps those growing emotions will get him on the right...
A no-name actress gets a fancy offer to star as the lead in a real-life drama, playing the fake wife of her best friend of 15 years. But that marriage will only happen on the dead body of the groom’s younger brother, who has different plans in mind regarding his...