Joo Won and Lee Joo Woo are captured in a not-so-friendly vibe while working together in latest teasers of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper. Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people...
Promising an enthralling adventure, Stealer: The Treasure Keeper aims a gift-set experience for K-Drama fans! Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people who cannot be judged by the law. Joo...
The actors of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper have picked the keywords that perfectly match their characters. Caper comic action-drama Stealer: The Treasure Keeper tells the story of Hwang Dae-myung, a civil servant of the Cultural Heritage Administration Special Investigation Department, who secretly lives a double life as a powerful dark hero...
tvN is keen to familiarize viewers with the double life that Joo Won has to lead in Stealer: The Treasure Keeper! Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people who cannot...
Online buzz begins for Stealer The Treasure Keeper as its main hero is introduced with latest teasers! Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people who cannot be judged by the...
Announcing the beginning of the series production and promotion, Stealer The Treasure Keeper reveals table-read moments shared by the lead stars. Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people who cannot...
Like falling down the rabbit hole, Alice pulls us into the labyrinthine world of time traveling and multiverses. Through an inviting premiere, Alice has sealed an immense number of followers. Viewers’ attention was quickly captured due to an intriguing premise. But along its succeeding episodes, the drama plainly struggles to...
Challenged by the action scenes in Carter, Joo Won hopes for a sequel to the Netflix movie. Directed by Jung Byung Gil, Netflix movie Carter is an action movie that follows the story of a mysterious operation of a man, unaware of his identity, carrying out a mission of bringing...
Set to stream on August 5, Netflix film Carter boasts the transformation of Joo Won who captures riveting action scenes. He fought across land, sea and air heralding a film with a texture different from existing Korean action films. To portray “a man without memory but has one mission” in...
Netflix’s Carter lead star Joo Won showed the essence of manly beauty through the August issue of GQ Korea. Joo Woon predicted the most intense transformation in filmography history and the greatest action ever in Carter, which will premiere on Netflix on August 5. “Carter was hard, but I wanted...