Never allowing a less gripping moment in its weekly run, The Veil, with its superb story and portrayals, definitely deserves a “Best K-Drama badge”! All throughout the series, the plot twists take the viewers to its carefully and stunningly written story. Powered by a committed ensemble cast, it has given...
We don’t know where the writer of this series gets the tricks, but the penultimate episode of The Veil topped the consistent cliffhanger highs we get each week. One of the best written, directed and portrayed series this 2021 K-Drama season, it would be a pity for Korean drama fans...
Still nothing short of thrilling plot mystery unfurling, The Veil episode 10 prepares viewers for a thrilling end game showdown between NIS’ best-produced agents. Almost all the questions are answered in this episode. But given the drama’s penchant to throw unforeseen surprises, it’s best to wait for the motivation of...
Han Ji-hyuk and Yoo Je-yi have unlocked the man behind Sangmuhoe after a series of hard-to-pull outwitting games in episode 9 of The Veil. A startling discovery also put the hero of the story to unforeseen emotional torment. With three more episodes, the mystery seems to be really just beginning....
The Veil seems keen to fascinate us with its thrilling bends each week. In the latest episode, the person viewers almost didn’t pay attention to, emerged as a crucial figure that aided to spur the ensuing chaos. NIS higher-ups are making their calculated moves to shake Ji-hyuk and Je-yi’s alliance...
Alliance and enmity are in a serious outbreak among the people in NIS in the seventh episode of The Veil! While the internal structure keeps getting rotten, a formidable group with members previously tied with the organization has raised discord. Unearthing this truth, the hero of The Veil is getting...
SBS confirmed the lead cast for the upcoming drama to launch in 2022. Lee Joon Gi, Lee Kyung Young, and Kim Ji Eun have decked for 어게인 마이 라이프 Again My Life (WT). Again My Life traces the story of a prosecutor who seizes a chance to reset his life...
Resisting NIS control, Han Ji-hyuk went subversive believing the warning he got from Su-yeon in episode 6 of The Veil! While his superiors are letting him and Director Kang face-off, a few discoveries were unearthed by Ji-hyuk. The revelations add to links on the puzzle he has been solving from...
It’s only episode 5 of The Veil, but the cards the series has so far laid on the table made the story so compelling to watch and worthy to rave on. Going predictable is not included in this new enthralling series from MBC. Keeping its momentum and intrigue at an...
The Veil is surely giving an exciting meaning to the word ambiguity – and we are only in episode 3! MBC’s latest spy-action treat is meticulously conceived. It does not have any intention of wasting the time of the viewers watching it. While the hero of the story continues his...