Wavve’s new youth drama, Seasons of Blossom, draws attention with released new posters featuring its vibrant cast. Wavve’s original drama Seasons of Blossom, based on a webtoon of the same name, started serialization in 2020, exploding in popularity on Naver, thereafter. It is co-produced by Playlist, Jaedam Media, and Corpus Korea, content...
Meet the five main characters of Wavve’s new webtoon-based Korean drama! Set to premiere as a Wavve original series in September, PLAYLIST unveiled on July 6 the lead roles for the new drama Seasons of Blossom. Seo Ji Hoon, So Ju Yeon, Kim Min Kyu, Kang Hye-won, and Yoon Hyeon-soo will...
If you are missing the fan-favorite dimpled Business Proposal star, fret no more since you will see him in the variety show, Master in the House soon! For those who have been following the career of Kim Min Kyu, we all know he has quite engrossing stints in entertainment shows....
Gleaming with wondrous moments, Business Proposal inevitably fulfilled and consoled viewers with its lighthearted series and perfectly synched love pairings. Highlighting an employee-boss office romance, this drama marks a narrative trope that is familiar nonetheless endearing at the same time. And, it infused spectators with non-stop heart flutters while simultaneously...
With the recent success of the endearing office rom-com Business Proposal, Kim Min Kyu shares details and pleasant experiences about the drama. Business Proposal traverses on the story of an employee who unexpectedly goes on a blind date with the president of the company she works at. In the drama,...
Knowing Kang Tae-mu’s fear of rain, Shin Ha-ri endearingly diverts his attention in the 10th episode of Business Proposal. Just when everything they know goes according to plan, Ha-ri and Tae-mu encounter an unforeseen impediment as Chairman Kang entirely comprehends the truth. ms. sunshine watched Business Proposal on Netflix Episode Recaps:...
Despite keeping the relationship hidden from others, the adorable new couple still expresses their affection in the 9th episode of Business Proposal. Discreetly parading their love languages to one another, Kang Tae-mu and Shin Ha-ri go on romantic dates as an official couple. On the other hand, disagreements arise since...
Insisting on Shin Ha-ri’s reimbursement for the kiss, President Kang commits to dating her in the latest episode of Business Proposal. Considering that kissing Kang Tae-mu was a mistake, Shin Ha-ri asks him if they can forget about what occurred between them. Tae-mu hopes that Ha-ri’s kiss was her response to finally...
Saving Shin Ha-ri’s pride, Kang Tae-mu pretends to be her perfect boyfriend in the latest episode of Business Proposal. Kang Tae-mu finally confesses his feelings for Shin Ha-ri. However, given their different status, Ha-ri believes she is not the right person for him. Meanwhile, Cha Sung Hoon finds Jin Young-seo’s...
Considering his exceptionally flawless features, Kang Tae-mu plans to confess without regard to rejection in Business Proposal. With all of his prior achievements, President Kang may have fallen short of his aim of confessing his feelings to Shin Ha-ri. It is due to Ha-ri’s understanding that Kang Tae-mu contacted her...