A genius’s past comes back to haunt him in this upcoming police procedural drama! When a sub-unit within the police force is shunned by everyone and reports to no one, the team needs to work tirelessly to prove their superiority and save the day in Crash. This is a new...
Crash, which has confirmed its first broadcast in May, has released an action-making teaser video. ENA’s new Monday-Tuesday drama Crash is a no-break, straightforward investigative drama about a traffic crime investigation team that tracks villains on the road to the end. Expectations are high just for the fact that it...
Fusing comedy and thrill can go awry if it is not properly blended, Behind Your Touch successfully completed this goal from start to finish. Powered by cleverly and interestingly sketched characters this series didn’t miss a beat in providing amusement. Main Leads: Han Ji Min | Lee Min Ki |...
The bizarre yet delightful lead pair of Behind Your Touch expressed fond memories about the series. Behind Your Touch traces the story of a diligent veterinarian who can see the past of animals and people by touching their bums. Through her psychometric ability, she was able to solve problems with...
Mujin’s tiny town confronts a series of cryptic murders that prove the innocence of possible culprits in the penultimate week of Behind Your Touch! Uncharacteristically, Jang-yeol provided heartfelt comfort to grieving Ye-bun following the aftermath of her grandfather’s death. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 &...
More clues add to the intrigue of Behind Your Touch on its 6th week. However, more murders keep happening in the town of Mujin. Narrowing down the suspects, the police struggle to connect the motives and disregard the alibis of the possible culprits. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix...
Cryptic cases of murder arise in Mujin in the latest episodes of Behind Your Touch. Can Jang-yeol and Ye-bun crack the mysteries behind them? abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 to 10 | 11...
Animal cruelty and thievery made Mujin citizens quite busy in the 3rd week of Behind Your Touch. More intriguing individual stories are also unveiled in preparation to how it will be explained fully in the subsequent episodes. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 |...
A unique and entertaining cooperation starts between Ye-bun and Jang-yeol in the second week of Behind Your Touch! Amusingly, the comedy in the romantic situations of the series is so far addicting. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05...
Sprinkled with smile-inducing moments, Behind Your Touch begins Bong Ye-bun and Moon Jang-yeol’s crime-solving journey. Probably in a hilarious way, this new JTBC series aims to explore the thriving connections of people in the town of Mujin. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Opening Week Rating: Episode Recaps: 01...