Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The Mysterious Candy Store is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. Director...
Netflix announces Yoo Ah In will step down and Kim Sung Cheol will take his place in Hellbound 2. Hellbound traverses the supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. It causes mayhem enabling the religious group The...
Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The series is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. This is a...
Hometown certainly serves up riveting scenes with a nerve-wracking narrative that propels viewers on the edge of their seats! tvN’s Hometown provided a series of inexplicable killings with a peculiar serial killer who uses a mixtape to induce hallucination and hypnosis on his victims. This series undoubtedly handed over a...
Hello, Me! openly tells that life’s circumstances sometimes test our choices, whether to walk away or strive harder to get the life we always dreamed of. The drama narrates the story of a woman whose life before turned upside down because of a traumatic event that completely changed her dreams. Main...
For its newest series, KBS brings a retrospective tale about life realities about adulting. It might hit hard especially if in some ways what we had pictured our life to be is different to what happened. Finding purpose, family and friend relationships seem to be included in the narrative of...
Kim Young Kwang together with Choi Kang Hee goal a sprightly romance story in Hello, Me! Miserable and unsuccessful, a woman thinks she’s lost all her spark — until one day, her spunky younger self appears in front of her demanding change. Hello, Me is a thought-provoking drama targeting women...
Celebrate love month by watching February 2021 K-Dramas on Netflix that would surely be a big hit in your hearts! For Song Joong Ki fans, you get to receive two delightful projects from your favorite actor. Meanwhile, JTBC’s anniversary drama special, Sisyphus: The Myth will also gift Netflix subscribers an...
Choi Kang Hee and Lee Re hyped anticipation in the released teasers of Hello? It’s Me! The female leads are seen staring at each other in pastel-colored posters while the first video trailer introduced their extraordinary situation. It preludes to the drama’s intention to comfort with self-healing messages. Based on...
Hello? It’s Me! announced the final roster of its main cast top-billed by Choi Kang Hee and Kim Young Kwang. A thought-provoking drama targeting women in their 30’s and 40’s would be one of KBS 2TV’s upcoming offerings in January 2021. To make it even more interesting it will involve...