With an imperfect law that is often manipulated by the rich and powerful, The Killing Vote proposes a radical solution. In this intriguing series, 18-year-olds and above citizens can participate in a nationwide vote of either executing to death or not the chosen atrocious person who has evaded the human...
Korean suspense thriller The Killing Vote is all set to premiere on Prime Video! Starring Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong, and Lim Ji Yeon, this highly anticipated series will keep you on the edge of your seat! Prime Video announced today that suspense thriller series The Killing Vote, broadcasted...
Two women work together to emancipate themselves from the abuse they get from their husbands in Lies Hidden In My Garden. In this compelling story, you have to be patient because the hook does not come in right away. Main Leads: Kim Tae Hee | Lim Ji Yeon | Kim...
Ambitious with its riveting concept, SBS drama The Killing Vote is slated to broadcast in August. The series stars Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong and Lim Ji Yeon in the main leads. The Killing Vote narrates the story of tracking down an unknown and elusive extortionist who conducts a...
Languidly introducing its intriguing premise, Lies Hidden In My Garden needs to raise its pace and intensity in the coming episodes. abbyinhallyuland watches Lies Hidden In My Garden on Prime Video Opening Week Rating: Lies Hidden In My Garden Opening Week Highlights After discovering her sister’s dead body, Moon Joo-ran...
To be broadcast on August 10, The Killing Vote (LT) will be organized as a once-a-week drama every Thursday. The Killing Vote narrates the story of tracking down an unknown and elusive extortionist who conducts a national death penalty vote on vicious criminals and executes them. It is based on...
Transforming into another compelling character, Lim Ji Yeon makes a curious reversal from her recent popular role to her current one in Lies Hidden In My Garden. Lies Hidden In My Garden is a suspenseful family thriller about two women living completely different lives. Their fates tangle due to a suspicious...
Character stills of Kim Tae Hee who is challenging the thriller genre for the first time in Lies Hidden In My Garden are unveiled! Lies Hidden In My Garden is a suspenseful family thriller about two women living completely different lives. Their fates tangle due to a suspicious smell coming from...
Drawing attention, the released teaser poster presents the lead characters of Lies Hidden In My Garden. Lies Hidden In My Garden is a suspenseful family thriller about two women living completely different lives. Their fates tangle due to a suspicious smell coming from a backyard. Directed by Jung Ji-hyun (Search WWW,...
The main leads of Lies Hidden In My Garden begin activities for its anticipated premiere by completing the first script reading. Lies Hidden In My Garden is a suspenseful family thriller about two women living completely different lives. Their fates tangle due to a suspicious smell coming from a backyard. Directed by...