Hard work and commitment to her characters led to impressive feats for Lee Hyeri who has been solidifying her status as a trending actress. The actress worked on the historical drama Moonshine over at KBS camp early 2022 and also top-billed modern healing series May I Help You which aired...
Triumphantly capturing the viewers’ hearts by depicting a handsome prince, Byeon Woo Seok expresses his impressions of Moonshine‘s amazing feat. In the drama, Byeon Woo Seok depicts a tall, handsome prince who has brilliant martial arts skills. However, when he wanders to unwanted places outside the palace, he is quite...
With the recent conclusion of Moonshine, Lee Hyeri expresses her thoughts and experiences acquired while filming the drama. Embracing her presence once again on the small screen, Lee Hyeri played a dazzling moonshiner in KBS2TV’s romantic historical drama Moonshine. She flaunts her bravery as a confident moonshiner during the Joseon...
Branded as the most wanted criminal in Moonshine, Ro Seo stays hidden in Nam Young’s residence for the time being. Nam Young proceeds to uncover the truth about Ro Seo’s father’s death, which is also connected to the late Crown Prince’s death. However, he is unaware that a certain high...
A moonshiner, an inspector, and a former enemy of Moonshine work together to devise a concrete plan to catch Sim Heon. Bearing in mind the futility of executing Sim Heon, Ro Seo and the others work together in the 10th episode of Moonshine. Clearly, it is to trace the capital’s...
Running away from the captors, Ro Seo and Nam Young spent the night in a peculiar well in Moonshine episode 9. Discovering the well reaches someplace, Ro Seo and Nam Young learned that there is a secret tunnel headed to the wood ice storage. On the other hand, Sim Heon...
Having second thoughts about an unfair share of money, Ro Seo carefully considers accepting another offer permanently in the 8th episode of Moonshine. Delivering successfully the first half of liquor to Un Sim, Ro Seo was in a predicament as to whether the 300 nyang share of the team was...
With the Crown Prince’s help, Ro Seo was able to cover her tracks against Nam Young’s stalking in the 7th episode of Moonshine. Inquiring about Ro Seo’s whereabouts at the Gangnam market, Nam Young only receives responses from the prince, informing him that Ro Seo was with him the entire...
The latest episodes of Moonshine brandish a one-sided romance that will hopefully turn mutual between the main leads. When duty calls, versus protecting those you care about, it is definitely a separate subject for debate. However, for Nam Young, his priority is to protect and save Ro Seo, even if...
Moonshine did not disappoint with the humor, tension and emotional moments displayed in its opening week. The opening broadcast of the series has finally arrived. In its first two episodes, the main casts Lee Hyeri, Yoo Seung Ho, Byeon Woo Seok and Kang Mi Na all have shown commendable portrayals. Depicting...