Netflix’s highly anticipated second season of Squid Game has released thrilling teasers, offering a glimpse into the intense and thrilling world of the deadly survival game. Fans can look forward to the return of Lee Jung Jae as Gi-hun, who re-enters the deadly games seeking revenge, setting up a tense...
The global phenomenon that gripped audiences with its high-stakes survival games is set to make a comeback! Netflix has announced that Season 2 of Squid Game is set to premiere on December 26, 2024, with the final season slated for 2025. This news was shared with fans worldwide through a...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
Squid Game Season 2 is going all out with its announced superb cast and fans are in for a treat! Previously, the hit Netflix series revealed returning and new characters in a teaser video. The series announced that stars Lee Jung Jae, Lee Byung Hun, Wi Ha Jun, and Gong...
Netflix announces Yoo Ah In will step down and Kim Sung Cheol will take his place in Hellbound 2. Hellbound traverses the supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. It causes mayhem enabling the religious group The...
Highlighting the struggles of youth today, Cheer Up leaves a colorful and spirited narrative that drives motivation and hope. Presenting a musical and romantic series, Cheer Up made a refreshing take on youth dramas. It features the culture of Korea on cheering squads while adding a dark tone with a genre of...
After knowing her mother has cancer, Hae-yi sacrifices everything she loves to earn money in Cheer Up episode 15. As the harsh reality wakes up Hae-yi in the most joyous moment in her life, it forced her to leave Theia and break up with Jung-woo. However, unlike facing the reality alone,...
The documentary preparation for the 2019 Hokyung-Theia Rivalry created a competitive atmosphere in the 14th episode of Cheer Up. As Captain Jung-woo and Hae-yi’s relationship blossoms more, an unexplained circumstance puts Hae-yi into an unexpected decision. sun_drae watches Cheer Up on Viu! Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06| 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 & 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Finale + Review Cheer Up Episode...
Cheer Up episode 13 challenges Captain Park Jung-woo and Do Hae-yi’s relationship with jealousy and threats. Moreover, the recent episode unveiled that dedication and love for Theia push Jin-il to punish those who break the rules. sun_drae watches Cheer Up on Viu! Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06| 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 & 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Finale + Review Cheer...
Officially a couple, Captain Jung-woo and Hae-yi hide their relationship from other Theia members in Cheer Up episode 12. Furthermore, their relationship challenges Hae-yi and Sun-ja’s friendship during summer training. On the other hand, Sun-ho, still heartbroken from Hae-yi’s rejection, continues doing what he loves while mending his heart. sun_drae watches Cheer...