Striking an addictive bait with confidence, Tale of the Nine Tailed introduced a fictional K-Drama world that makes viewers go all-in to explore. Featuring characters that are interestingly sketched, their growing connection is in the horizon for upcoming chapters of Tale of the Nine Tailed. In all honesty, how Lee...
Looks like our adorable Love Revolution hero will be reaping the fruit of his hard work soon! It has been six episodes of “young love” celebration in Love Revolution – and all our virtual wishes for Ju-young’s love fulfillment seem to be hitting the target. Episode Recaps: 01 | 02...
Lee Ruby showed how she cares about Park Ji Hoon’s emotion in the 5th episode of Love Revolution. The aftermath of the retreat’s talent show in episode 4 of Love Revolution caused misunderstandings which hurt Ju-young’s heart. Thankfully, Ja-rim did not let his crazy thought escalate. Episode Recaps: 01 |...
Over 20 minutes of my time every Thursday, I go for a time traveling experience because of Love Revolution. Reminiscent of memories when we were young, Love Revolution is a mood maker that makes me helplessly happy since its premiere. Park Ji Hoon, Lee Ruby, Kim Young Hoon, Jung Dae...
Park Ji Hoon continues to bring laughter and smile in Love Revolution. Whoever prints a perfect campus boyfriend poster could ask Park Ji Hoon to appear on it – as his new drama role in Love Revolution is such an endearing treat! In episode 3, Gong Ju-young moved closer to...
Youth Korean web drama Love Revolution continues its endearing mood – that I feel impatient waiting for its future episodes to air. Park Ji Hoon, Lee Ruby, Kim Young Hoon and the rest of the young cast of Love Revolution are on a great start! I hope this won’t sway...
Who wouldn’t love to trade places with Kim So Eun for her role in Lonely Enough To Love? MBC every1’s Lonely Enough To Love takes the concept of people living in a “share house” – building connection, their personal lives also take the spotlight. It stars Kim So Eun, Ji...
Everything in the first two episodes of When I Was The Most Beautiful was stunning! It made me smile and laugh – while feeling warm at the same time. It also made me worry on what would befall on the looming love triangle projected in the series. Introducing its main...
Dear Lonely Enough To Love, why are you only airing once a week? MBC every1’s new series continues ita engrossing appeal on its second episode. Taking the romance story concept of people living in a “share house”, Lonely Enough To Love is a delightful treat especially for single career people....
Pitching the question “are you lonely enough to love” – MBC every1’s new series aims at the single adult population. People who are deemed able to sustain a solitary life, because romance is not necessarily their priority. Ji Hyun Woo and Kim So Eun star in this swift-moving love-themed series...