Exuding grace and beauty, Im Soo Hyang is perfectly in sync with her character in Woori The Virgin. Woori The Virgin is a romantic comedy-drama based on the hit American show Jane The Virgin. Accordingly, the Korean remake follows Oh Woo Ri (Im Soo Hyang) as she maintains her premarital...
For his latest role, Daniel Choi portrays a deputy editor in a webtoon workplace. Today’s Webtoon is a remake of a Japanese drama 중쇄를 찍자! Jūhan Shuttai! derived from a manga of the same name. Chronicling the life of a judo athlete who gets injured and settles into a new...
Park Seo Joon and IU shared mixed emotions about their experiences throughout the filming of the anticipated film, Dream. K-Drama fans are also excited to see Park Seo Joon and IU together for the film since the announcement of their pairing. They are working together with a versatile director, Lee Byung...
Thirsty for justice, Captain Do Be Man and Captain Cha Woo In are geared up to harness retribution. Picking up from the midst of the fabricated mine-hero story fiasco, Military Prosecutor Doberman delivers plot twists and satisfying feats of characters. More importantly, episodes 9&10 tackle more sensitive themes that are alarming....
Fresh off the heels of the highly popular Business Proposal, Ahn Hyo Seop conveys his thoughts about his latest work through a Q&A released to the media people. His busy schedule vouches for his current fame as one of the most sought-after actors of his generation. From Doctor Romantic 2,...
Resistant to joining any clubs, Mi-jeong suggests forming a new club in My Liberation Notes. Determined to avoid Mr. Gu, Mi-jeong strays away from her everyday routine. Being also pushed to join a club, she takes small steps towards her liberation. Meanwhile, Gi-jeong finally hears from her male workmate who...
Soo-jae seems to be having a head start in the marriage project in It’s Beautiful Now. However, his way of acquiring his bride-to-be might lead him to be disqualified. His competitive brothers of course are also making their preparations. One is going on a delightful path while the other might...
With the recent conclusion of Forecasting Love and Weather, Park Min Young establishes her similarities and differences with her character. Portraying a general forecaster for the Korea Meteorological Administration in the recently concluded JTBC Saturday-Sunday drama Forecasting Love and Weather, actress Park Min Young takes on the role of Jin...
It looks like Again My Life is no ordinary revenge drama. The third episode attests to interesting topics and life reminders that viewers can pick on. Kim Hee-woo is bolstering his future for his goal of obliterating Cho Tae-sub. Connecting to people that will help him with his mission, this...
Off the Lee brothers to vie for the apartment prize if they can secure a bride in six months in the 3rd and 4th episodes of It’s Beautiful Now! Faint family secrets involving the Lee brothers’ father and Mi-rae’s mother are also subtly introduced. Viewers are also starting to get...