Grateful for the love he received after Squid Game in 2021, actor Park Hae Soo shares his future plans. Taking on the role of Han Ji Hoon in the movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Park Hae Soo portrays the role of a prosecutor who probes corruption in large corporations and gets dispatched...
Endearingly presenting an unrequited love story, Soundtrack #1 swiftly paced its love rhythm. The result is a soothing four-episode series wrapped in a cloying friends-turned-lovers narrative. Coupled with faint and direct love declarations, this mini romance series is a tranquilizing treat. Main Leads: Park Hyung Sik | Han So Hee...
Set for a spectacular show, Park Hae Jin, Jin Ki Joo, Jung Joon Ho, and Kim Hee Jae prepares the mood of From Now On Showtime as they transform into their roles in recent character posters. Slated to broadcast every weekend starting on April 23, Showtime Begins continues the fun with its recent...
A formidable and unruly spy leads a black ops unit of NIS to an enthralling mission by all means possible in Yaksha: Ruthless Operations. His lawbreaking nature though gets unexpected variable when an upright prosecutor gets added to his team’s goal. abbyinhallyuland watched Yaksha: Ruthless Operations on Netflix K-Movie Rating:...
A second chance at life is given to a prosecutor in the opening week episodes of Again My Life. Can he avenge his death and defeat a seemingly invincible politician? abbyinhallyuland watches Again My Life on Viu Opening Week Rating: Again My Life Opening Week Story Dauntless and resolute to his...
For its endearing run, Business Proposal has truly made much of its trite storyline with committed portrayals. Feel-good and brimming with heart-fluttering moments, the SBS series is as good as ice cream when you have downbeat moments. Evidently, the search for dramas of the same vibe would spur any fan...
Beautiful in all seasons, a trip to the Five Grand Palaces in Seoul gives a travel experience rich in South Korea’s history and culture. Surviving massive destruction throughout history, the consistent drive to reconstruct the palace buildings for future generations paid off. Flocked by millions of tourists each year, Gyeongbokgung,...
KBS2 TV’s new series is gifting a new engrossing character to be played by rising actor Chae Jong Hyeop in Love All Play. Love All Play chronicles the story of refreshing twenty-five-year-olds Park Tae-yang (Park Ju Hyun) and Park Tae-joon (Chae Jong Hyeop), who are both able to find work...
A global project escorting criminals is highlighted in the film, Project Wolf Hunting. Unveiling its global poster, Project Wolf Hunting, directed by Kim Hong Sun, has safely finished filming through the pandemic. Subsequently, it targets big screen unveiling in the second half of the year. The film chronicles the mission...
Powered by South Korea’s renowned stars, Broker was officially invited to the competition section of the 75th Cannes International Film Festival. Directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda, the film features a solid cast roster including Song Kang Ho, Kang Dong Won, Bae Doona, Lee Ji Eun and Lee Joo...