KBS2’s new midweek series, Who is She has unveiled its vibrant character posters, building anticipation for its December 18 premiere. This heartwarming and humorous series is a modern retelling of the beloved film Miss Granny, promising a fresh take on the classic story of a grandmother who magically transforms into...
Marking the end of their performance, the stars of Curtain Call convey their impressions of the drama’s conclusion. Delivering a heartwarming ending, KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday drama Curtain Call imparts the great love of Ja Geum-soon (portrayed by Go Doo Shim) for her family who has a bright future ahead pursuing...
Putting on a peculiar performance of reality, Curtain Call closes life’s stage with forgiveness and gratitude. Redefining what’s considered a lie, a lifelong wish becomes granted as one lives with numbered days. Though having inconsistencies, this drama redeems itself with wholesome characters and comforting reconciliations perfect for unwinding. Main Cast:...
Concluding Mr. Jeong’s grand play, Jae-heon and Yoon-hee prepare one last stage for Chairwoman Ja in Curtain Call. Se-yeon schemes a way to meet the real Ri Moon-seong, and asks him to stay away from their grandmother. On a trip together with Jae-heon, Chairwoman Ja falls unconscious. With all those...
Instead of exposing Jae-heon and Yoon-hee, Se-yeon joins their grand act in Curtain Call. Se-yeon learns about Jae-heon’s lies, but she chooses to keep it a secret for her grandmother’s sake. Aware that Se-jun holds onto the real Ri Moon-seong, she protects both the hotel and Jae-heon by announcing her...
Aware of Jae-heon’s lies, Se-yeon and Se-jun keep their silence for their grandmother in Curtain Call. Discovering the impostors in their house, Se-jun and Se-yeon change their attitude towards Dong-jae’s shares. Moon-seong arrives in South Korea, but he still walks his way to Nakwon Hotel despite being prohibited. Marcie Line...
Despite his efforts to hide it, Jae-heon gets recognized by Hyo-jin in Curtain Call. Jae-heon insists on rejecting his inheritance, but Yoon-hee suggests reacting otherwise to ease suspicions. While he continues at his job, Hyo-jin reveals his identity to Se-yeon and Moon-seong rides a boat to South Korea. Marcie Line...
Realizing the impact of their roles, Jae-heon and Yoon-hee hesitate to continue their act in Curtain Call. To escape people they know, Jae-heon pretends to be sick at Chairwoman Ja’s last banquet. Revising her will, Chairwoman Ja adds another inheritor in line. Marcie Line watched Curtain Call on Prime Video...
Refusing to take an office job in Nakwon, Jae-heon rejoices in being assigned as a porter in Curtain Call. With Chairwoman Ja’s persuasion, Jae-heon accepts the offer to work at Nakwon Hotel, and bumps into his acquaintances. Meanwhile, Yoon-hee, who stays at home, finds herself frustrated with Jae-heon being unaware...
To dismiss suspicions, Jae-heon agrees to do a DNA test and submits Se-gyu’s hair samples in Curtain Call. Unaware that the sample is Se-gyu’s, Se-jun sees a DNA match between Jae-heon and their family. Given the time to tour around the country as a couple, Jae-heon risks himself being caught...