Offering a deeper meaning to dull life, My Liberation Notes begins with an empathetic story. Living far from the city has its advantages and disadvantages. Introduced to the individual lives of the three siblings, My Liberation Notes voices out how one’s living environment affects a person’s outlook in life. As...
The new JTBC series has been acquainting viewers about the characters of Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won, Lee El and Son Kuk Ku. My Liberation Notes narrates the unbearably lovely life of three siblings. They attempt to liberate themselves from the harsh reality of living in the present. A...
From dynamic emotional expression to realistic appearance, Lee Min Ki transforms into an interesting role in My Liberation Notes. The new JTBC weekend series narrates the unbearably lovely life of three siblings. They attempt to liberate themselves from the harsh reality of living in the present. A lukewarm life that...
Confirming its first broadcast on April 9, My Liberation Notes takes a glimpse at the ordinary lives of its characters. JTBC’s upcoming Saturday-Sunday drama My Liberation Notes depicts the attempt of three siblings to liberate themselves from the harsh reality of living in the present. The drama is directed by Kim...
Scheduled for April broadcast, My Liberation Notes has been rolling out teasers to acquaint viewers with its story. To be aired on JTBC, My Liberation Notes narrates the story of three siblings and a mysterious stranger who want to escape from the reality of arduous living. Earlier, a teaser video was unveiled...
Actor Lee Ki Woo confirmed that he would appear on JTBC’s My Liberation Diary. Directed by Kim Seok Yoon and written by Park Hae Young, My Liberation Diary narrates the story of three siblings and a stranger. The three siblings wanted to escape their dull life and live the life they wanted to...
A new thought-provoking drama has sealed its talented lead cast. 나의 해방일지 My Liberation Diary (LT) affirmed the casting of Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won, Son Seok Koo and Lee El. Thus, shooting begins in earnest accordingly. To be aired on JTBC, My Liberation Diary narrates the story of...
Oh My Ladylord has brought viewers to an addicting state but chooses to give an unapologetic safe ending. Because the conflict was revealed as a crucial part of the series, accepting the bland closure is given, albeit all of us expected a K-Drama Miracle. abbyinhallyuland watched Oh! Master/Oh My Ladylord...
If there is one cute necessity surplus that has not been neglected in this world, that would be having talented Korean actors. For the thriving K-Drama fan base, followers are blessed with a plethora of Korean drama actors gifting sweet and superb television series. Keeping career longevity for Korean actors...
The hero of Oh My Ladylord confronts a pain from his past while bearing the reality of losing his mom in the future. Adding to that, the cryptic man resurfaces affecting his relationship with Joo-in. On the good side, romance is in full swing with Joo-in finally claiming the man...