A 19th-century Joseon Confucian girl and a 21st-century ironclad third-generation chaebol draw fantasy and romance in The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from the Joseon...
The female lead of MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama commands attention with her radiant beauty and confidence. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract is adapted from a popular webcomic of the same name into a romance fantasy series revolving around a girl from the Joseon period who travels to modern times....
MBC’s new delightful historical series reveals captured moments from the recent table read. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract chronicles how 19th-century Confucian girl Park Yeon-woo overcomes death and arrives in Korea in 2023. She meets an apathetic man who looks exactly like her husband who died on their wedding’s first...
A quirky Joseon-set series arrives on MBC in the second half of the year starring Lee Se Young and Bae In Hyuk. 열녀박씨 계약결혼뎐 The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (LT) chronicles how 19th-century Confucian girl Park Yeon-woo who overcomes death and arrives in Korea in 2023. She meets an...
Kairos is underrated, nonetheless, it proved to be one of the best thriller K-dramas viewers should not miss out! This Shin Sung Rok and Lee Se Young starrer truly raised the bar high for thriller action series. At first glance, Kairos may be your usual time-crossing drama, but unless you...
Saying goodbye to their roles, The Law Cafe stars express their thoughts as the drama ends. Directed by Lee Eun Jin, The Law Cafe depicts the romance between Kim Jung-ho (Lee Seung Gi) a former prosecutor, and passionate lawyer Kim Yu-ri (Lee Se Young), who has been his crush for...
Away from heated courtrooms, The Law Cafe bridges inspiring lessons about humanity with the law. Oftentimes, legal services seem out of reach and intimidating. However, with the protagonist’s initiative to create a safe space to discuss it, people are reminded of their rights and the law’s role in their daily...
While Yu-ri rejects Jung-ho’s marriage proposal, Yeon-ju and Se-yeon come in to file for a divorce in The Law Cafe. Questioning the institution of marriage, Yu-ri becomes more confused about it as divorce requests come in. Lee Pyun-woong flees the police, and he kidnaps Yu-ri’s mother. As Jung-ho is held...
Quick to reject the blind date set by his grandfather, Jung-ho proposes to Yu-ri in The Law Cafe. Admitting to his sexual harassment charges, Assemblyman Choi dissolves their group’s unity by exposing several other issues of President Lee Pyun-woong. While a bright outcome seemingly awaits and Jung-ho proposes, Yu-ri remains...
Though seen as a difficult case, Yu-ri stands with Song-hwa in suing an assemblyman in The Law Cafe. Mustering her courage to speak up about her situation, Song-hwa seeks help from the law cafe in reporting her experience of workplace harassment. Although Jung-ho was against Yu-ri taking up the case,...