“My Liberation Notes” Episode 14 Reunites Two Longing Souls That Had Changed Over Time

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Going over a period of grief, Gu and Mi-jeong reconnect in My Liberation Notes. 

Moving on with their mother’s death, the Yeom siblings are faced with crucial decisions in their lives. Meanwhile, with Mi-jeong’s number at hand, Gu finally meets her again.

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Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Finale + Review

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My Liberation Notes Episode 14 Highlights

“There’s no such thing as the right time.”

Crying hard during their mother’s funeral, Chang-hee wonders who would be standing in the crematorium when he dies. Hyeon-a reassures him that she will, and he offers them to get married.

After the funeral, they become busy with catching up with the household chores, but also tear up frequently.

Chang-hee stays with their father while the two continue to work. Treating her workmates for going to the funeral which was very far, Mi-jeong gets questioned about keeping the urn in their house. 

In a more personal conversation, Mi-jeong narrates how the ambulance and police treated them with weird questions during her mother’s death. 

Gi-jeong fumes out about how their mother must have been overworked, and complains about their aunt. With her loudness, they all hear a crack and look at the urn, but Mi-jeong touches it and sees nothing unusual. 

Chang-hee with his friends jokes around about what happened during the funeral as they finally meet the officemates Gi-jeong badmouthed. However, they also then become sure that Gi-jeong would be soon moving out.

While joking about the idea of death, Chang-hee realizes how timing his unemployment is, since he is now able to look after his father.

Same as when he was younger, Chang-hee recalls how he was able to be there for his dying grandmother when he coincidentally chose to skip class.  

He appreciates his siblings’ presence in lessening his loneliness at home. Together with his friends, they bury nearby the artificial joint of his mother, and it also begins to snow after.

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“Do grown-ups get sad, too?”

Tae-hoon reveals how he met Gi-jeong’s mother on the same day she died. Acknowledging how it must have been an effort to meet her son-in-law, Yu-rim walks out.

A call is forwarded to Mi-jeong in the office, and it’s the wife of her boss. She confirms that her contact name is different as she checks it, seeing the label of a temporary employee.

Panicking with that, Mi-jeong’s boss begins to delete his chatrooms and warns his mistress in the office. 

Aware of the people involved in the affair, Mi-jeong has traced it using a shampoo pack inside the girl’s bag, and the girl’s signal to stop when their boss is ranting. 

Waiting in the restaurant for Tae-hoon, Gi-jeong drinks, and Yu-rim asks her about adults getting sad when losing their mothers.

Offering herself to be her mother, Yu-rim walks out on her. As Tae-hoon arrives, Gi-jeongs invites him to get married, and his sisters overhear it on the door.

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“I would give you everything if I had anything.”

Going home together, Mi-jeong’s coworker asks her whether she knows whom their boss is having an affair with. However, Mi-jeong answers her through only a stare, knowing well it is her workmate. 

Provoked with the demand of gratitude and disrespect at the funeral, Mi-jeong hits her with a bag, and she gets one too.  

Ready to smoke while thinking she needs no friends, Mi-jeong is interrupted, and she thinks it was Gu. 

Following an investigation, Mi-jeong is put at a disadvantage since it falls near her evaluation dates.

Chang-hee hears about what their mother heard about Mi-jeong while passing by the market, and recalls what Hyeon-a said.

Discovering her sister has a debt, it has been revealed to the family how Mi-jeong was scammed by her ex-boyfriend. Adding into the conversation, Gi-jeong complains about how their aunt ripped off their father.

Chang-hee then backs up Mi-jeong’s behavior because of his past experience with money.

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“That’s why they say you can get away with anything if you have love.”

Chang-hee tries to wait for Gu in the parking lot they went to before, but does not see him there.

Hyeon-a’s sick ex-boyfriend talks to Chang-hee on the phone, telling him that Hyeon-a agreed to Chang-hee’s proposal even though he expected the opposite. He also informs him of the columbarium plan for Chang-hee’s mother, along with him, Chang-hee, and Hyeon-a.

Finally permitting his son to have a car, Chang-hee promises their family would be happier, and goes to the beach with them. They talk about their aunt being their family villain, and how impossible the same thing would happen to them since they don’t love each other so much. 

Alone with his father, Chang-hee explicitly reassures his father that he has them, and that he loves him. 

Back to the present, Mr. Yeom realizes how his family was actually taking care of him all this time.

Although he claims that he is not sad, Gu cries at the bar. 

He then phones Mi-jeong, and hears that she is not yet liberated nor has someone to worship her yet. 

Looking fresher than before, the two meet on the bridge, praising each other. Gu tells Mi-jeong how much he missed her even though he never called her old number. 

He feels proud of how great he is now at worshipping, and tells his name to Mi-jeong, which is Gu Ja-gyeong.

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My Liberation Notes Episode 14 Musings

Processing grief together, members of the Yeom family begin to confront their inner heavy baggage while mourning. Truly, there is no such thing as the right time, and Gi-jeong’s sarcastic attribution of their mother’s death due to overwork bears the truth of how heavy it is to look after a household. 

Before, they weren’t that expressive, but this saddening event has led them to become more reflective and verbal.

It’s great to see that each sibling finds solace in their friends and for Gi-jeong, her lover. No matter how informal or sudden it may be, the wedding proposals offered in this episode are somehow worthy of support.

Exposing the affair inside Mi-jeong’s office, it’s regrettable the event happened near her evaluation. However, she really served her workmate with that bag smack even though it cost her a lot.

Hyeon-a’s sick ex-boyfriend’s supportive attitude towards Chang-hee is adorable. And we can see that Chang-hee has been alighting from his past mindset, seeing how he spends time with his father. 

Giving his daughter’s phone number to Gu, it appears that Mr. Yeom supports Gu’s pursuit, and the two are reunited by the end of the episode.

It feels good to see them together, both looking fresh. As next week is the finale, we shall look forward to the conclusion of the liberation of the characters in the series. 

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Catch the finale episodes of My Liberation Notes on Saturday and Sunday on Netflix.

Photos: JTBC

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